This is the piano creation of the composer Boris Tishchenko to be getting under listeners' and performers' skin without fail. The features peculiar to it are rarely inherent in piano music on the whole...
Igor Yefimovich Rogalyov (*1948) is the graduate of the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition with B. A. Arapov and piano with N. N. Poznyakovskaya. His post-graduate education in the composition...
Variations on a theme from the opera "Mose in Egitto" by G. Rossini (on the G string)
I Palpiti. Variations on a theme from the opera "Tancredi" by G. Rossini
One of the best known violin concert works by the great Austrian composer. For students of music colleges and conservatories, as well as for professional performers.
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor...
Учебное пособие доцента по кафедре общего курса фортепиано Петрозаводской государственной консерватории им. А. К. Глазунова Т. В. Спиваковой "И. С. Бах. Хорошо темперированный клавир. Транскрипция для...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.
Novoe uchebnoe posobie, sostavlennoe izvestnymi moskovskimi pedagogami-pianistami. Soderzhit obnovlennyj pedagogicheskij repertuar iz programmy DMSh - proizvedenija krupnoj formy D. G. Tjurka, D. Shtejbelta,...
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) - the Austrian composer, belonging to the glorious galaxy of the Viennese Classical School masters. More than thirty concertos for different instruments with orchestra form his...
G. Sviridov Sad song
G. Sviridov Ancient dance
G. Sviridov Guy with an accordion
G. Sviridov Musical moment
D. Kabalevsky On a holiday
D. Kabalevsky Ping-pong
Yuri Sulimov Etude-march
N. Baklanova...
Продолжение публикации серии "Русская скрипичная музыка". В сборнике представлены произведения А. Аренского, А. Гречанинова. Данный музыкальный материал широко используется в процессе обучения молодых...
Продолжение публикации серии "Русская скрипичная музыка". В сборнике представлены произведения Александров Ан., Глиэр Р., Николаев Л., Василенко С. Для студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также...
The first release of the Russian Violin Music series containing the best works of Russian composers for violin solo.
This collection included I. Khandoshkin's works for a violin solo for students of...
M. Glinka. MAZURKA
F. Chopin. PRELUDE
S. Prokofiev. DANCE OF THE GIRLS WITH LILIES. From the ballet "Romeo and Juliet"
D. Shostakovich. PANTOMIME OF THE ACTORS. From...
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (*1952) was born in Leningrad. Graduate of the M. I. Glinka Choir College he completed education at the Leningrad Conservatoire - choir conducting with Avenir Mikhailov and...
Sixteen Songs for Children. Op. 54
1. Granny and Grandson
2. The Little Bird
3. Spring
4. My Little Garden
5. Legend
6. On the Bank
7. Winter Evening
8. The Cuckoo
9. Spring
10. Lullaby...
Балет "Ромео и Джульетта" был создан Сергеем Прокофьевым в 1935-1936 годах. История классического балета не знала до того момента произведений на шекспировский сюжет. Идея балета по трагедии "Ромео и Джульетта"...
Alexander Danilovich Kamensky (1900-1952) is ranked among the most brilliant Russian pianists of the 20th century. His music abilities revealed already in the...
Valery Gavrilin (1939-1999) is the distinguished Russian composer, having lived in the last third of the 20th century. His creative work is considered to be the kind of brilliant and original side of the...
Сборник включает упражнения Шрадика, Шевчика, Крейцера, Данкла, Гавинье, Иоахима, Венявского, Марто, Мостраса и других выдающихся педагогов и скрипачей XIX - XX вв.
Collected Works. Series III. Vol. 22. Critical edition based on the composer's archive materials. Works for solo instruments accompanied by orchestra or by ensemble
Collected Works. Critical edition based on the composer's archive materials. Series VI. Chamber Works. Volume 1. Works for Violin and Piano, Solo Violin and Solo Viola. Part 4.
The collection includes piano works by the outstanding 20th century composer Aram Khachaturyan often heard in concerts and widely used in educational practice.
For students of music colleges and conservatoires,...
The collection includes some well-known works by one of the greatest 20th century composers arranged for cello and piano.
For pupils of children's music schools and students of music colleges.
Пьесы, составившие данный сборник, внесут разнообразие в обиходный круг произведений, обычно предлагаемых к разучиванию. Удерживая в себе все лучшие черты, присущие барочной, классической, романтической...
The collection is intended for the students of folk departments of music colleges, the educational programme of which includes the discipline Rudiments of Improvisation.
This edition of Musorgsky's famous piano cycle is based on his autograph and reproduces the work's original version {Urtext). The editor's comments arc provided.
For students of music colleges and conservatoires,...