The almanac "Helicopters and Unmanned Aviation of Russia" was prepared taking into account the directions of development and improvement of helicopter technology and unmanned aircraft and the adoption...
The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume XII
The Poor Man of Nippur is a short tale of 160 lines, telling how a poor man wronged by the governor of his city,...
This book initiates the reader into the study of Akkadian literature from ancient Babylonia and Assyria. With this one relatively short volume, the novice reader will develop the literary competence necessary...
Erast Fandorin - 'A popular hero to equal Sherlock Holmes and James Bond' (The Times)' - returns in the penultimate installment of the hugely popular historical mystery series.
Although the impression may still linger that Assyrian women are hidden and unavailable for study, nothing could be farther from the truth. There is a rich...
Ежегодное издание Divine Temple представляет работы современных мастеров иконописи разных стран. В настоящем издании представлены работы и статьи по теме иконописи мастеров из России, Италии, Австралии,...
I invite you on a journey through the lives of those who called themselves Ukrainians and, by their own work, made the lives of others better. Those, whose values, principles, and belief in humanity have...
What Happens Next? presents all twelve Moomin books written and illustrated by Tove Jansson. The original illustrations and paintings displayed at each book stop reveal how her style of illustration evolved...
The book is in English.
The book by the art historian Natalya Semenova accomplied the exhibition "Shchukin. Biography of a Collection" (June 18 - September 15, 2019). The book is devoted to the legendary...
How to create a functional, effective and efficient organisational structure. Typical structural problems and how to solve them. Examples from real world wide client-cases.
This book is for founders,...
Fourth Edition. Textbook.
10 lessons, continuing the Ruslan 1 story line, and taking you to a very good GCSE level in spoken Russian. This is a new edition published April 2013 with considerable amendment...
In late September 2020, a long-standing frozen conflict in Transcaucasia over the state of Nagorny Karabakh district - an internationally acclaimed part of Azerbaijan primarily inhabited by the Armenian...
Amar Annus, and Alan Charles Lenz
SAACT 7 presents a new edition of Ludlul Bel Nemeqi, "the Babylonian poem of the righteous sufferer." This edition, based on all known tablets of the poem, offers the...
An eye-opening insight into the mind and motives of Islamic terrorists with the true story of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a founder leader of Hamas.
Course Book and Workbook, Audio Materials at the website. (there is no CD in this set)
Consists of two volumes and covers the levels A1 to B1 of the Common European Framework for Languages and is suitable...
Viipurin historiallinen kaupunkikartasto kuuluu vuonna 1955 perustetun Kansainvälisen kaupunkihistoriallisen komission eurooppalaiseen historiallisten kartastojen sarjaan. Tähän mennessä on julkaistu yli...
Well-known manga author Matsuda Hi was inspired by the events of February 2022, when during the brutal escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the skies over Kyiv were heroically defended by Ukrainian...
The eighteen articles of Approaching Methodology open broadly international and cross-disciplinary discussions on different aspects of methods and methodology. This volume brings many complementary perspectives...
"Рисуем котиков акварелью" задумывалась как специальный выпуск в серии книг "Мастера акварели". Ее автор, К. Стерхов, объединил формат учебного пособия и тематический альбом с работами значительных художников...
Assembling a complete list of extant personal names and all data related to those names (lexical meaning, geographical location, occupation, activities, and textual sources), Baker and her colleagues have...
A new audio CD for the 4rd edition.
(Text book can be ordered separately).
A communicative Russian course for adults and teenagers.
Two Audio CDs to accompany the Ruslan 2 Student Book. Quality recordings...
Over 100 species of larger Basidiomycetes are fully described and they are illustrated by nearly 200 colour photographs. 46 Agarics, 4 boletes, 4 pleurotoid fungi, 6 chanterelles, 1 ramarioid fungus, 35...
After many unsuccessful attempts to establish its linguistic affinity, Sumerian is nowadays widely considered a language isolate without any known relatives. However, a systematic comparison of its vocabulary...
Словарь состоит из двух частей: англо-русской и русско-английской, и содержит около 350000 слов и словосочетаний, наиболее часто встречающихся в современных русском и английском языках. Широко представлена...
Иллюстрированный очерк истории развития советского рекламного плаката. Включает 237 избранных работ, созданных за период с 1923 по 1941 год. Текст на русском и английском языках.
Адресован широкому кругу...
Джон Грин - один из самых популярных современных американских писателей. Читателям наверняка известны его романы "В поисках Аляски", "Бумажные города". Опубликованный в 2012 году роман "Виноваты звезды"...
Family and Friends offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners. No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends. The exceptionally...
Remember the Russian words by playing.
Research work of teachers and psychologists has proved that games increase the learning efficiency by fifteen or even twenty times. All kinds of speech activity...
One side is Russia political. Names in Latin alphabet. The other side is East Europe road map, Russia until Jaroslavl and Rjazan, with place names in Latin, bigger cities in Latin and Cyrillic.
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume IX - SAACT 9
The Babylonian Theodicy is a lengthy dialogue between two learned men, the "Sufferer" and the "Friend," taking the form of an acrostic poem...
Учебное пособие предназначено для изучающих русский язык и владеющих им на уровне В1 и выше.
В пособии представлен простой и удобный способ изучения и практического освоения акцентного разнообразия в...
Viktor Pivovarov's The Agent in Love is the English edition of a book by the classic of Moscow Conceptualism translated by one of the most famous contemporary Russian to English translators Andrew Bromfield.
Everyday English 1 on englannin alkeisoppikirja aikuisopetukseen. Se on jatkoa saman sarjan Starter-kirjalle, mutta soveltuu myös aloituskirjaksi opiskelijoille, jotka ovat jo joskus opiskelleet englannin...
Данное пособие полностью соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту (второго поколения). Оно представляет собой первую часть учебного комплекта, состоящего из четырёх книг:...
Вам нужен словарь, который легко брать с собой, но на полках есть только большие и тяжелые издания? Решение найдено: перед вами компактный и ёмкий словарь, который удобно брать с собой. Этот словарь поместится...
Helps students to accumulate information quickly and easy.
Covers all the key points of elementary Russian grammar.
Infographics and illustrations in the book produce visually engaging explanations.
Эрнест Сетон-Томпсон как никто другой умел описывать жизнь животных. Его четвероногие герои умеют любить и хранить верность, радоваться и тосковать, бесстрашно идти навстречу опасности - и избегать ее...