Комплект из 3 прописей - приложение к знаменитому "Букварю" Надежды Жуковой, который успешно используют родители, воспитатели и педагоги для обучения письму и развития мелкой моторики. Благодаря комплекту...
2.2 Let's go! Russian for adults. A course for low-intermediate
The second part (Volume 2) of a popular course of Russian is intended for continuing to study Russian at a basic level (A2). The goal is...
Одиннадцатилетний мальчик-сирота Гарри Поттер живет в семье своей тетки и даже не подозревает, что он - настоящий волшебник. Но однажды прилетает сова с письмом для него, и жизнь Гарри Поттера изменяется...
This is a communicative Russian course for English speaking adults. The course includes the Student's book, the Workbook and the Teacher's book, which contains additional...
Level A2
The second part (Volume 1) of a popular course of Russian is intended for continuing to study Russian at a basic level (A2). The textbook is designed on the average for 80-120 hours. The goal...
Tochka Ru: Russian Course A2 the lesson book and the workbook set
Audio resources are free of charge for those who purchased the book and are available at the book's web pages.
New corrected and upgraded...
Tochka Ru: Russian Course A1 the lesson book and the workbook set
Audio resources are free of charge for those who purchased the book and are available at the book's web pages.
Tochka Ru: Russian Course B1 the lesson book and the workbook set.
A set of two books, one for lessons and other for exercises.
Audio resources are free of charge for those who purchased the book and...
Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (1900-1944) - французский писатель, поэт и профессиональный лётчик. Его самое известное произведение - повесть-сказка 'Маленький принц'. Книга впервые была опубликована в 1943 году,...
This is the 3rd and last textbook in the series of "Fundamentals of Art". The previous two editions are dedicated to Fundamentals of Drawing and Fundamentals of Painting. In the book Fundamentals of Composition,...