Rabota posvjaschena analizu pravovykh problem finansovoj integratsii v ramkakh Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo sojuza. V monograficheskom issledovanii aktsent sdelan na sovremennom sostojanii i perspektivakh...
V monografii izlozheny rezultaty issledovanij rossijskikh i belorusskikh uchenykh v oblasti sovremennykh pravovykh i ekonomicheskikh problem prava sobstvennosti. Izdanie prednaznacheno dlja nauchno-pedagogicheskikh...
V monografii issledujutsja institutsionalnye i funktsionalnye aspekty administrativnogo prinuzhdenija, raskryvaetsja ego rol i znachenie v regulirovanii finansovykh i ekonomicheskikh otnoshenij. V issledovanii...
V monografii na osnove nauchnogo analiza problem administrativnoj jurisdiktsii vyjavleny osobennosti administrativno-jurisdiktsionnoj dejatelnosti v finansovoj sfere. Avtory monografii proanalizirovali...
Nastojaschee monograficheskoe issledovanie posvjascheno ekologiitransporta i ee opredelenija na baze teorii dvizhenija transportnykhsredstv s razlichymi tipami dvizheija i novejshikh i fundamentalnykhmatematicheskikh...
The monograph is devoted to the updating of technical Park of a grain subcomplex of agroindustrial complex of the Ural region. Economic evaluation update of the Technopark are disclosed in the following...
The monograph is devoted to the theory and methodology of formation of development of mining and chemical holdings. Features of development of the companies in production of mineral fertilizers in the...
The book is intended for students enrolled in the educational field 27.04.04 "Control in Technical Systems" in the course "Computer-aided design tools and control systems" (for Bachelors in their 4th year)....
Tutorial presents key safety aspects in emergency situations and their consequences; information is also given ona system of measures to protect the population and territories in emergency situations;...
The theme of the research is acute, for in the early 21st century there occurs the transformation of the globalization process in which financial innovations start to play an increasingly large role. The...
This monograph covers almost all the areas of globalization and the importance of its positive and negative effects of globalization, ideological processes, the national spiritual renewal and modernization,...
The theme of the research is acute, for in the early 21st century there occurs the transformation of the globalization process in which financial innovations start to play an increasingly large role. The...
Nastojaschaja rabota issleduet konstitutsionno-pravovye problemy rasovo-politicheskikh konfliktov na primere goroda Fergjuson v shtate Missuri, SSHA. V osnovu modeli byl polozhen vsemirno izvestnyj rasovo-politicheskij...
This publication was compiled under the aegis of European Union ERASMUS+ program 'The New Europe in The New International Order' and is timed to coincide with the Russian Presidential elections of 2018....
The monograph is devoted to the updating of technical Park of a grain subcomplex of agroindustrial complex of the Ural region. Economic evaluation update of the Technopark are disclosed in the following...
"Business Architect: Business Management Systems Design" is a guidebook on technologies of process cost engineering, aimed at the formation of knowledge and practical skills of business owners. The book...
The present study explores the possibility of achieving a commensurate or better result by a simpler controller in comparison with the well-known sophisticated methods of synthesizing PIlDm-regulators....
The monograph is devoted to a problem of production and sale of the concentrating and mountain equipment. The economic evaluation of production and sale is opened in the following sequence. The economic...
Monografija postroena na obshirnom kruge pervoistochnikov i literatury na neskolkikh jazykakh. Ona posvjaschena razvitiju i posledstvijam vnutrennego vooruzhennogo protivoborstva. V kachestve obekta issledovanija...
Tsel etoj knigi - nauchit molodykh vrachej myslit i dejstvovat nestandartno v svoej professii. Ja objasnjaju, kak razvit v sebe individualnuju operativnuju tekhniku, s kotoroj vy smozhete reshat ljubye...
V nastojaschee vremja imeet mesto bespretsedentnoe nastuplenie na traditsionnye sotsialnye instituty, v tom chisle semju. Davleniju podvergajutsja i razlichnye vidy ljubvi. Ljubov - eto lestnitsa, veduschaja...