Vtoraja kniga iz trilogii "Agkhora" posvjaschena Kundalini. Kundalini sozdaet tkan nashej zhizni i libo my ostaemsja v ee putakh, libo stanovimsja svobodnymi. Ona, Vechnaja, - eto Vysshee Znanie, pervoprichina...
This publication is an attempt to reconstruct some of the largely forgotten pages from Moscow's life at the turn of the 19th century, to present a broad cross-section of its community from a governor-general...
The purpose of this manuscript is to raise an unusual social problem - paradoxes of social consciousness and behavior. It is a result of a longer work dealing with paradoxes of consciousness and behavior...
Illjustrirovannoe izdanie na nemetskom jazyke. Razmyshljaja o proshlom Rossii, prikhodish k vyvodu, chto nasha strana, raspolagajuschajasja na dvukh kontinentakh, evropejskom i aziatskom, vsegda sochetala...
Monarchy is a form of government in which the ruling power absolutely belongs to a single person and is commonly passed over by succession. For more than a millennium Russia was a monarchy. During that...
Kniga o tom, kak na Rusi iskali puti v juzhnuju polovinu Shara Zemnogo, a osoblivo o tom, chto znali i kak uznavali o dalnej strane - myse Dobroj Nadezhdy i sosednikh zemljakh. Po rukopisnym kosmografijam,...
Kak godichnyj period (osen 2014 - osen 2015 gg.) povlijal na povsednevnuju zhizn rossijskikh grazhdan? Est li u naselenija "zapas prochnosti", i kakova rol razlichnykh resursov v ego adaptatsii k krizisnym...
This publication seeks to acquaint the reader not only with Petersburg, but its environs too. Surrounding the northern capital are a number of former imperial country estates, strung out like jewels on...
Bogato illjustrirovannoe podarochnoe izdanie bolshogo formata s shelkovym ljasse. Kniga upakovana v originalnyj podarochnyj futljar. Two world wars and one civil war, the genocide of the Russian populace...
The collection of French painting of the late 19th and early 20th centuries owned by the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg justly ranks among the best in the world. The canvases represented in it were...
Zoloto i serebro v ukrashenijakh, monetakh, predmetakh byta tatarskogo naroda s drevnejshikh vremen i do nashikh dnej - tema knigi, napisannoj nauchnymi sotrudnikami Natsionalnogo muzeja Respubliki Tatarstan....
The Hermitage is a great museum that belongs to Russia and the whole world. Millions of people come to St.Petersburg to visit it, but it still retains the meaning of its name given by Catherine the Great,...
Early Russia's silver is highly original and artistic. Russian silversmiths evolved their own characteristic forms and decoration techniques that were not identical with ether Western or Oriental styles....
Moskovskij muzej sovremennogo iskusstva, sozdannyj po initsiative Z.K.Tsereteli, byl otkryt, kak i mnogie drugie molodye muzei sovremennogo iskusstva, v samom kontse XX stoletija, vo mnogom uzhe s uchetom...
ARCA publishers present a series of small-format books that acquaint readers anew with gems of the Hermitage collection. Fascinating fragments and details that quite often escape the eye provide fresh...
The present report has been co-authored by five Russian and international human rights organizations - the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF), Norwegian Helsinki Committee, International...
The years of independent development for the states of Central Asia have been simultaneously a period of formation and evolution of transformation strategies designed and put forward by both external actors...
The celebration of the ludi saeculares in 204 AD was probably the most important single religious (and political) occasion that took place during the reign of Septimius Severus. The festival highlighted...
The book contains articles based on the presentations of the authors done during the international Conference for young researchers held at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia in October 4-5, 20...
Nowadays globalization processes have become all-embracing. But at the same time, despite the ever-increasing flow of publications on globalization, our understanding and knowledge of it still leaves much...
My privykli k tomu, chto idei pridumyvaet dizajner. Odnako i v samikh ispolzuemykh materialakh soderzhitsja moschnyj tvorcheskij potentsial, kotoryj prosto nuzhno razgljadet. Kniga "Broshjury i katalogi....
Kiitetyn historioitsijan, dosentti Marko Lambergin kansainvälinen tutkijaryhmä tarkastelee eurooppalaisten etnisten vähemmistöjen identiteetin muodostumista vuosisatojen aikana. Kahdeksassa kiinnostavassa...
Vuonna 2002 Saamelaisneuvosto ja OSK Lumimuutos aloittivat laajat selvitykset vesivoiman, ilmastonmuutoksen, perinnetiedon, metsästyksen, kalastuksen, naisten aseman ja muiden saamelaisille tärkeiden aiheiden...
This book is a unique research on the future of the cyber weapons. It presents new concepts and methodologies considering cyber weapons and cyber targets. Target analysis means basically target categorization...
In 1996 Roger Connah visited the renowned Finnish architect Timo Penttilä (1931-2011) at his home in Tuscany. Connah filmed and recorded their discussions on architecture against theory, and before leaving...
Infants already demonstrate readiness for music processing. Although culture-specific music-processing skills are acquired through exposure to music, even in the absence of formal training, the processing...
Illjustrirovannoe izdanie na anglijskom jazyke. Russkaja ikona - ogromnyj mir, slozhnyj i vozvyshennyj. Russkaja ikonopis vpitala i preobrazovala velikoe khudozhestvennoe nasledie Vizantii i na protjazhenii...
V nachale XX veka russkoe iskusstvo potrjaslo mir. Ono ne tolko sozdalo novyj vizualnyj jazyk, no utverdilo filosofskie i sotsialnye idei, vdokhnovivshie buduschie pokolenija khudozhnikov. Odnako vskore...
This is a book about one of the most interesting monuments of Russian history and culture - the grand kremlin palace. The accompanying articles describe the palace's mediaeval throne rooms - the hall of...
Albom Galy Sorkinoj, skulptora malykh form, raskryvaet pered chitatelem udivitelnye grani ee talanta, vovlekaet v jarkij i uvlekatelnyj mir farfora. Na stranitsakh alboma predstavleny unikalnye proizvedenija...
It is the beginning of the 17th century. The Time of Troubles is over. In 1613 Michael Romanov ascended the Russian throne. One of the first concerns of the tsar from this new dynasty was to restore the...
In July 1838 work began in the Moscow Kremlin on the reconstruction of the Russian emperors' residence. The old palace, designed by Bartolomeo Rastrelli in the 18th century, was now too small and not in...