The Concerto A minor and C major for hautboy and string orchestra have already enjoyed popularity amongst the oboists and especially at different professional contests. However, as the composer did not...
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931-1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and...
Foreign music literature. Epoch of romantism. Schuman, Rossini, Verdi, List, Vagner and Bizet. For children's music school, colleges and lycees. Senior grades.
Книга адресована тем, кто хочет научиться сочинять музыку всех стилей и направлений, а также музыкантам-исполнителям, желающим глубже понять законы искусства. Интересна книга будет и всем любителям му...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (р. 1932) - один из интереснейших отечественных композиторов настоящего времени, автор произведений во всех жанрах. Его перу принадлежат музыкальная драма "Виринея" (1965-1967)...
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg" has already edited his collection...
Эдуард Николаевич Артемьев (р. 1937) - автор двух опер, симфонических сюит и поэм, ораторий и кантат. Но гораздо бульшую известность ему принесла музыка к кинофильмам, театральным постановкам. Все помнят...
This is violin to accompany my life - from the first school years (I started music education with this instrument) and today (my wife and son are professional violinists). This circumstance has evidently...
Григорий Корчмар (р. в 1947 году) - известный петербургский композитор, председатель Союза композиторов, автор более 140 сочинений в различных жанрах театральной, симфонической, хоровой, вокальной и инструментальной...
This is the violin pieces Poem and Scherzo (1951), where the brilliant violinist Basner reveals wonderful knowledge of the instrument and its virtuoso abilities.
The Poem is lyrical and pathetic,...
Boris Ivanovich Arkhimandritov (*1932) - the Petersburgian composer, whose creation includes operas, symphonies, cantatas and numerous chamber-vocal and instrumental opuses. This is exactly the modal (polymodal)...
The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 4th grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 3th grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
Сборник бесед и статей посвящен современной музыкальной культуре. В первой части публикуются интервью с видными композиторами Петербурга - Г. И. Банщиковым, В. Е. Баснером, С. А. Белимовым, Г. Г. Беловым,...
Being not only composer and pianist but also a an artist, painter, the author experiments with a daring idea of combining art of the sound with the art of the visual image. In our age of total computerization...
Юрий Александрович ФАЛИК (1936-2009). Учился в Музыкальной школе имени П. С. Столярского в Одессе. Выпускник Ленинградской консерватории по классам виолончели (проф. А. Штример) и композиции (проф. Б....
Герои этой книги - талантливые петербургские композиторы, связанные общей приверженностью к продолжению традиций петербургской академической композиторской школы. Эти композиторы профессионально сформировались...
The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 2nd grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, a CD, a workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
Часть первая: методические рекомендации, таблицы по музыкальной грамоте, музыкальное домино.
Часть вторая: ритмические карточки, карточки музыкальных обозначений, игра "Прочти слова", музыкальное...
Произведение написано Р. Щедриным по заказу международного виолончельного фестиваля памяти Мстислава Ростроповича в Кронберге. Премьера сочинения состоялась 5 октября 2007 г. в Кронберге в исполнении Сабины...
The publication contains transcriptions of works by foreign composers, performed by the National Artist of Russia, Professor of The Russian Gnesins Academy of Music V.E.Zazhigin and A.Larin's composition,...
J. Maevski. Fiddler on the Roof. Phantasia to the themes from J. Bock's musical of the same name
I. Overture
II. Do You Love Me?
III. If I Were a Rich Man ...
Издание содержит фортепианные сочинения современных композиторов В.Агафонникова и А.Наседкина. Владислав Германович Агафонников (р. 1936), народный артист РФ, профессор Московской консерватории, композитор...
Издание содержит этюды (соч. 25) великого польского композитора в редакции Л.Н.Оборина и Я.И.Мильштейна. Снабжено текстологическими комментариями, исследующими разночтения между прижизненными и последующими...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Along the Pages of the Petersburg Piano Music for Children and Youth. From S. Volfenzon's Collection. In 8 Notebooks. Educational repertoire of children music school. Notebook 6. Dancing World
Dear musicians...