Mozart's only Oboe Concerto, written for the Salzburg Oboist Ferlendis, was considered lost. The present Concerto is claimed to be the lost work. It corresponds to the Flute Concerto in D major, K. 314,...
Антон Аренский (1861-1906) - композитор Петербургской школы, ученик Н. А. Римского-Корсакова. Даже его последующая работа в Московской консерватории не меняет "петербургских" убеждений, восходящих к принципам,...
Perhaps it is a cherished dream of any musician to stand at least once in his life at the conductor's stand. However, the path there is long and thorny. Not many of the great acting conductors are ready...
The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg calls your attention to the collection "Romantic Trio" for violin, violoncello and piano by the wonderful petersburgian composer Natalia Karsh.
В творчестве выдающегося российского композитора современности Бориса Тищенко вокальная музыка занимает значительнейшее место. Помимо крупных вокально-симфонических опусов (симфония "Марина", Реквием на...
New Collected Works of Dmitri Shostakovich. Vol. 32. Tahiti Trot, op. 16. Two Pieces by Domenico Scarlatti, op. 17. Suite No. 1 & 2 for Jazz Orchestra, sans op. Ceremonial March, sans op. German March,...
1. A Little Hare Is Walking
2. Down the Volga-River
3. Oh, Thou, Dark Night
4. From Behind the Woods
5. If I Go to the Rapid River
6. The Awakening Dawn
7. It's Not a Pea-hen
Герман Окунев (1931-1973) - ленинградский композитор, пианист, музыковед, ученик Б. Клюзнера, О. Евлахова, Д. Шостаковича, преподаватель Ленинградской консерватории. Среди его лучших произведений - Концерт...
The composer Vladimir Polionny (born in 1961) is the author of symphonies, concertos, chamber works, piano trio in particular. His works are performed and recorded to CDs (mainly in USA).
The list...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones - are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born 1932) holds the centre of the Russian modern music stage, being the author of all genres compositions - from operas and symphonies to cinema tracks.
The piano cycle...
Georg Fridrikh Handel (1685-1759) - odin iz krupnejshikh kompozitorov evropejskogo barokko, zhivshij i rabotavshij v Galle, Gamburge, Gannovere i Londone. Master, che tvorchestvo okazalo neosporimoe vlijanie...
Erik Satie (1866-1925) - the French composer and pianist, inspirer of well-known Les Six, the members of which were Milhaud, Poulenc and Auric.Even Jean Cocteau acclaimed Satie's music the anti-romantic...
Three pieces from the cycle "Spain"
1. Tango
2. Serenade
3. Catalonian Capriccio
Scarlet Towers (serenade)
Cradle Song
Arabian Serenade
Сергей Слонимский (род. в 1932) - петербургский композитор, пианист, музыковед, профессор Петербургской консерватории, автор произведений во всех музыкальных жанрах.
Концерт No. 2 для фортепиано...
I was never closely acquainted with Valery Gavrilin. Once being teenagers we dwelled in the neighbouring cells of the Leningrad boarding school at the Conservatoire. Years passed since that when rather...
S. Joplin. HARMONY
J. F. Ibert. WALTZ. From the symphonic suite Paris
Allemades, courantes and gigues - these dancing personages of pompous baroque are dwelling in the music of Bach and his predecessors.
Minuet has become the pensive core of Haydn's and Mozart's symphonies,...
LARKIN. Romance
KRAKOWIAK. From the opera "Ivan Susanin". Arranged by M. Tabakov
CALM NOW, THE NIGHTINGALE. Arranged by Yu. Litovko
Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812) - the German composer and musical publisher. Among his compositions there are several operas, nearly 70 symphonies and 50 concertos, numerous chamber-instrumental works,...
Yevgeniy Petrov (born in Severodvinsk 1973) is both composer and performer. In 1996 he graduated from the St Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire in the bayan discipline (class of M. P. Filippov and...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Андрей Павлович Петров (1930-2006) - советский и российский композитор, автор балетов, опер, симфонических произведений, инструментальных концертов, камерных сочинений, музыки к драматическим спектаклям....
Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) is truly recognized as the jewell in the crown of the "silver age", the really significant period in the Russian culture. It was piano to be his passion for...
Лойе - семья французских музыкантов. Жан-Батист Лойе ("Лойе из Гента") - композитор, родился в 1688 году в семье скрипача Петера (Пьера) Лойе. Подписывал свои сочинения именем "Лойе из Гента" во избежание...
Yuri FALIK (1936-2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition...
Alexey Nikolayevich Kofanov was born in 1971. His green years passed ш the Siberian city Kemerovo, while in 1982 he moved to Leningrad - St Petersburg, where he studied in the Musorgsky Music College. ...
V nastojaschem izdanii opublikovan urtekst Uvertjury vo frantsuzskom stile J. S. Bacha BWV 831. On osnovan na izuchenii originalnykh ekzempljarov pervykh, prizhiznennykh izdanij vtoroj chasti Klavirnykh...
Iogann Sebastjan Bach (1685-1750) - velichajshij nemetskij kompozitor XVIII stoletija, sozdavshij neprevzojdennye proizvedenija vo mnogikh zhanrakh i dlja razlichnykh sostavov (ot solnykh pes do vokalno-simfonicheskikh...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of he leading composers of the Russian modern music. His creation embraces actually all the genres - from operas and symphonies to cinematographic sound-tracks....
Это серьезное и глубокое сочинение написано на стихи отца композитора и посвящено выдающемуся петербургскому композитору Борису Тищенко, известному публике по новаторскому языку своих сочинений. В нотах...