The collection includes plays by composers of the 17th-18th centuries. - Lully, Clerambo, Rameau, Gluck, Ober, I.S. Bach, Handel, Haydn.
For students of children's music schools.
The collection includes plays by composers of the 17th-18th centuries. - I.S. Bach, Handel, Telemann. Veracini, Marcello, Corelli, Couperin, Ober, Daken ..
For students of children's music schools.
The collection includes plays by composers of the 17th-18th centuries. - Pergolesi, Veracini, Marcello, Porpora, Dall Abaco, Boccherini.
For students of children's music schools.
"The collection is addressed to senior students of children's music schools and music departments of children's art schools. It is intended not only to broaden their horizons, but also to encourage enthusiastic...
VESENNEE USPOKOENIE. Oр13 No. 1. Poem by F. Tyutchev (from Uland)
PANTELEJ-TSELITEL. Oр13 No. 2. Poem by A. K. Tolstoy
The collection includes popular violin works by the Italian violinist and composer J. Tartini (1692-1770).
For students of music schools and conservatories, as well as for concert performers.
Continuation of the publication of the series "Russian Cello Music", containing the best works of domestic composers for cello and piano. The collection includes the works of S.V. Rachmaninov: Two plays...
Awakening: Album of Popular Pieces for Cello and Piano. - Moscow, Muzyka. - 60 p. plus cello part (20 p.).
For senior pupils of children's music schools and students of music colleges.
Contents: Bach,...
The famous four concertos were first published in 1725 as part of a set of twelve, Vivaldi's Op. 8, entitled Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest of Harmony and Invention) where they...
Volume 106-107-108.
Sonata for cello and piano. Op. 40.
Moderato for cello and piano. Sans op.
Sonata for violin and piano. Op. 134.
Unfinished Sonata for violin and piano. Sans op.
Sonata for viola...
A concert piece by the outstanding French composer, one of the best works ever composed for violin. For students of conservatoires, as well as for professional performers.
This viola tutor based on the Colourstrings method is ideally suited for small viola players. The four colourful symbols represent the fours strings of the instrument and the visual stimuli makes learning...
The collection of piano ensembles entering the series "All the Family at the Piano" includes original four-hands compositions by the composers of the 19th century, i. e. Niels Gade and Robert Schumann....
Полифонические произведения великого немецкого композитора XVIII века. Для учащихся музыкальных училищ, студентов консерваторий, концертирующих исполнителей
Настоящее издание представляет собой своеобразную антологию русского скерцо. Оно дает возможность проследить историю этого жанра со времени его возникновения до начала ХХ века. Публикуемые скерцо принадлежат...
The "Compozitor Publishing House Sankt Petersburg" represents the album of piano miniatures "Petersburgian Pages" by Sergei Banevich. This is the kind of a present given by the composer to his native city...
Vladimir Mikhailovich Deshevov (1889-1955) was one of prominent figures working within the field of Russian music in the first part of the 20th century. Along with other modernists he pioneered in developing...
Oskar Rieding (1840-1918) was a German violinist, teacher of music, and composer of many pieces for violin and piano.
Born in North of Germany, he attended first the recently founded Academy of Musical...
Пять пьес для фортепиано, соч. 133, выдающегося немецкого омпозитора-романтика объединены заголовком "Песни раннего утра". Мастерски выполненная обработка этих пьес несомненно привлечет внимание скрипачей...
В сборник включены популярные пьесы Л. ван Бетховена в переложении для скрипки и фортепиано. Для учащихся ДМШ.
Турецкий марш
The Concert No. 3 was composed in 1952 and completed the triad of instrumental concerts (the first two for violin and for cello), which were devoted to Soviet youth. In the second part of the concert the...
The "Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg" presents the new series of vocal collection consisting of the opera excerpts. Every publication is dedicated to either the Russian or European music...
The series of collections Bayan in the 21st Century: Solo and in Ensembles is published on the initiative of the People's Artist of Russia Friedrich Lips. The seventh book contains the original work for...
"Free broadcast zones, concert programs and performances for the World Cup are great, but this presentation... When I picked up this book I was surprised to see how little we know about Shostakovich. A...
Творчество выдающегося русского композитора последней трети ХХ века Валерия Александровича Гаврилина (1939-1999) - яркая и самобытная грань мирового музыкального искусства. Стиль музыки Гаврилина узнаётся...
The concert "The Frescoes of Ancient Egypt" is dedicated to the mysterious and enigmatic world of Ancient Egypt. The concert shows the composer's great interest in the love stories of the famous Queen...
Сборник включает известнейшие пьесы Шуберта, Шопена, Венявского, Дриго, Дебюсси, Годовского, Крейслера, Прокофьева, Шостаковича, Хачатуряна. Данный музыкальный материал широко используется в процессе обучения...