Providing four level series ranging from elementary to upper Intermediate, Link is a comprehensive course that offers a clear, balanced approach to learning English. It provides an attractive and motivating...
"Dippy's Adventures" is an exciting new three level course ranging from starter to elementary/pre-intermediate. The starter book gradually introduces students to simple new words and how their letters...
"Dippy's Adventures" is an exciting new three level course ranging from starter to elementary/pre-intermediate. The starter book gradually introduces students to simple new words and how their letters...
"Dippy's Adventures Primary 1 Activity Book" has been designed to provide ample practice of the grammatical and lexical items presented in "Dippy's Adventures Primary 1 Pupil's Book".
DIPPY'S ADVENTURES is an exciting new three level course ranging from starter to elementary/pre-intermediate. The starter book gradually introduces students to simple new words and how their letters are...
"Bestseller Readers" are illustrated, simplified readers that can be read in class or at home and have been carefully graded in terms of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and thematic content to meet the needs...
The "Surprise! Activity Books" have been designed to practice and reinforce the content of the "Course Book" through a wide variety of stimulating activities and word banks.
Surprise! Primary 1 Course Book presents new grammatical and lexical items in a continuing story, using dialogues in natural everyday language that recycles concepts from previous lessons.
Super Star is an exciting new three-level course specially written for young learners. Super Star 3 Test Book accompanies Super Star 3 Student's Book. It provides a variety of tasks, including reading...
Puss in Boots is the enchanting story of a young man who is given a talking cat which helps him gain favour with the King. New Editions Primary Classic Readers is a three-level series of classic tales...
The "Longman Children's Picture Dictionary" presents 800 words in a variety of richly illustrated and photographed topics. The "Teacher's Resource Book" provides a wide range of ideas and materials for...
Пособие выходит в учебной серии "WWW - series" и содержит разнообразные тексты для чтения и обсуждения по темам, связанным с науками о Земле. Может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной...
В трилогии СОВРЕМЕННАЯ КОМЕДИЯ автор мастерски изображает быт, нравы и психологию "потерянного поколения" в послевоенный период. Суетная жизнь главных героев пуста, люди все чаще становятся рабами обстоятельств....
В трилогии "Современная комедия" автор мастерски изображает быт, нравы и психологию "потерянного поколения" в послевоенный период. Суетная жизнь главных героев пуста, люди все чаще становятся рабами обстоятельств....
Данный справочник необходим каждому на любом уровне изучения английского языка. Он предназначен для быстрого нахождения правильного предлога при переводе на английский язык, поскольку употребление предлогов...
Как только вы начинаете изучать английский язык, вам приходится изучать основные грамматические правила, которые помогают понять структуру языка и как результат - общаться более уверенно. В этой книге...
Евгения Карлова - автор учебников-бестселлеров для взрослых и детей - предлагает новую увлекательную книгу в помощь изучающим английский язык. Кто сказал, что английская грамматика - это скучно? Известно,...
Книга содержит неадаптированный текст рассказа СЕРЕБРЯНЫЙ А.Конан Дойля на английском языке с упражнениями, комментариями и словарем. Перевод наиболее трудных предложений дан в сносках, а сложные элементы...
Настоящее пособие предназначается для студентов старших курсов и аспирантов географических и геологических факультетов, желающих усовершенствоваться в изучении литературы по специальности "с охватом содержания",...
Данное учебное пособие - прекрасный помощник в преодолении типичных лексико-грамматических трудностей, встречающихся при изучении английского языка. Посредством разбора самых распространенных ошибок закрепляется...
Vocabulary practice Grammar boxes Colourful and amusing illustrations Oral activities / songs Revision units Spelling and writing techniques Lively material for learning phonics
Live English Grammar is a graded grammar series consisting of four books. This highly exciting series adopts an innovative approach to presenting and practising grammar, which enables learners to acquire...
JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR is a grammar series which is particularly suitable for very young learners. These books smoothly introduce young learners to the basic structures of English in a simple and fun-to-learn...
JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR is a grammar series which is particularly suitable for very young learners. These books smoothly introduce young learners to the basic structures of English in a simple and fun-to-learn...
JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR is a grammar series which is particularly suitable for very young learners. These books smoothly introduce young learners to the basic structures of English in a simple and fun-to-learn...
Enter the World of Grammar is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books a and b are especially designed for young learners. Books...
The Boost! Skills Series is the definative and comprehensive four-level series of skills books for junior EFL learners. Integrated skills approach means each of the skills are brought together at the end...
JUNIOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR is a grammar series which is particularly suitable for very young learners. These books smoothly introduce young learners to the basic structures of English in a simple and fun-to-learn...
Серия "Chimera Classics" дает возможность познакомиться с лучшими произведениями английских и американских авторов в подлиннике (не адаптированными и без сокращений). Книги серии рассчитаны на читателей...
В издание вошли наиболее редкие и интересные рассказы Гарри Гаррисона. Сборник открывается научно-фантастическим очерком "Rock Diver" ("Проникший в скалы"), с которого в 1951 году началась карьера знаменитого...
Enter the World of Grammar 5 & Use of English is aimed at upper-intermediate level students, however more advanced students may also find it useful for revision and consolidation. As well as teaching grammar...
ENTER THE WORLD OF GRAMMAR is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books A and B are especially designed for young learners. Books...
Enter the World of Grammar is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books a and b are especially designed for young learners. Books...
Grammar & Vocabulary Practice systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students succeed in all B1 Level Exams. The Teacher's Book includes the Student's Book with the Key overprinted.
Enter the World of Grammar is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books a and b are especiall designed for young learnes. Books...
Enter the World of Grammar is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books a and b are especiall designed for young learnes. Books...
Enter the World of Grammar is a graded series of seven English grammar books. This series of books is also available as a multimedia system. Books a and b are especially designed for young learners. Books...