Вiдомий iсторик Джон Герст запрошує здiйснити захопливе дослiдження причин, якi зробили Європу цивiлiзацiєю, що змiнила свiт."Найкоротша iсторiя Європи" починається з побiжного огляду європейської цивiлiзацiї,...
ТЕМАТИКА КНИГИКрихiтної вiрусної частинки достатньо, щоб поставити свiт на колiна. Закрити кордони, "злити" мiльярди доларiв, убити десятки тисяч людей, а на мiльярди - нагнати панiку. Це нашi вчорашнi...
Роман, що змальовує вплив Росiйської Революцiї на трьох людей, якi вимагають права жити власним життям i слiдувати своєму власному щастю. Твiр дослiджує боротьбу особистостi проти держави в радянськiй...
Марiя Фариняк через злиднi змушена вiддати сина, дев'ятирiчного Михайла на виховання родичам покiйного чоловiка: вуйковi Стефану, власниковi книгарнi, та цьоцi Касi, суворiй жiнцi, яка не рада появi чужої...
У Гасi та Iгогося - проблеми: балуючись, дiти випадково знищили рарога - духа вогню. Сердитий охоронець родинного вогнища Чур влаштував у печi вибух - тож не бачити їм тепер улюблених бабусиних пирiжкiв,...
Сорок рокiв тому вченi та лiкарi фiксували лише 4-5 випадкiв аутистичного розладу на 10 тисяч дiтей. Вiдтодi показники стрiмко зросли, i вже в 2018 роцi цей стан дiагностували в кожної 59-ї дитини. Але...
"Перспективи Української Революцiї" - це зiбрання статей Степана Бандери, що вийшло друком у Мюнхенi 1978 року. На вiдмiну вiд iнших репринтiв, у цiй книжцi додано передмову О. Сича, глосарiй рiдковживаних,...
ТЕМАТИКА КНИГИЛiтература для дiтей, для сiмейного читання з дитиною 2+, казкиОПИС КНИЖКИ САШI ВОЙЦЕХIВСЬКОЇ "МАРУСИНI ВАЖЛИВI СПРАВИ"Ця книжка - про маленьку дiвчинку Марусю, яка ще живе у мами в животику....
Про що книга "Маннергейм. Спогади. II Том" автора Карл МаннергеймIсторiя Європи ХХ столiття очима батька Фiнляндiї.ОПИС КНИЖКИ КАРЛА МАННЕРГЕЙМА "МАННЕРГЕЙМ. СПОГАДИ. II ТОМ"Виявляється, "лiнiя Маннергейма",...
Обережно! Ця книга небезпечна: пiсля прочитання хочеться одночасно вирушити в подорож Балканами, випити келих червоного вина i в зручнiй ложi театру слухати опернi арiї. Понад шiстдесят коротких iсторiй...
Кого ми вважаємо супергероєм?! Звичайно, того хто вiдрiзняється неабиякою смiливiстю та завжди готовий прийти на допомогу. Все це про неймовiрного Суперчерв'яка, головного героя однойменної книжки Джулiї...
Це перший у третьому тисячолiттi український переклад одного з вершинних творiв Шекспiра. Сюжет п'єси побудований на iсторiї легендарного короля Лiра, який на схилi життя вирiшує вiдiйти вiд справ i роздiлити...
Спокiйно. Просто покладiть книжку й повiльно вийдiть з книгарнi. Вам не зможе нашкодити те, чого ви не знаєте.Ви в курсi, що свiт уже наближається до кiнця? Що ми переживаємо жорстоке вторгнення прибульцiв?...
Ukrainian patriot Orest, who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, is doomed to long torture in a Russian prison. The support of Zoreslava, his daughter, and the Kotyhoroshko doll sent by...
Amazing animals Puzzle. In your hands a wonderful gift to the baby is a big bright encyclopedia for the smallest. She will become your child's favorite book, color photos will attract her attention, and...
Continuation of the story about what is worth learning from cats, which the author wrote together with his furry friend Zi and. On the pages of the book there are 101 lessons about how to live for your...
Daniel Goleman's bestseller Emotional Intelligence" revolutionized psychology. In the second book on emotional intelligence, the author analyzes the reasons and keys to success in business for both an...
Boris Johnson is a British politician, Conservative member, former mayor of London and former British Foreign Secretary. Author of several books, worked as a journalist for The Times, The Daily Telegraph,...
Do you dream of becoming a scientist and making incredible and important scientific discoveries? This amazing book will introduce you to the main laws of chemistry, biology and physics, which you can test...
Finally, the champion of all detectives, Fletcher, had a chance to rest. He has long dreamed of getting a good night's sleep, so he goes outside the city, away from the annoying noise. A skunk detective...
In your hands a wonderful gift to the baby is a big bright encyclopedia for the smallest. She will become your child's favorite book, color photos will attract her attention, and short but meaningful articles...
In your hands a wonderful gift to the baby is a big bright encyclopedia for the smallest. She will become your child's favorite book, color photos will attract her attention, and short but meaningful articles...
Many professionals want to join Netflix every year, and the already formed team is loyal, happy and efficient. There are no clear rules in Netflix, but everyone performs the task as well as possible. Reed...
Delsey lives on the Cape Cod Peninsula with her grandmother, but dreams of a "normal" family. An old friend is now ashamed to spend time with her, and other changes are not happy. And Delsey does not like...
This useful encyclopedia will be useful for curious children, because it will reveal the most interesting secrets of the human body, from the smallest elements of the cell to tissues and organ systems....
This is a book that teaches children to think critically and reflect on complex topics. Children often ask philosophical questions to which even adults cannot find answers, so French philosophers will...
With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves...
With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves...
With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves...
With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves...
The good king Golovko needs help. And there is no way to do without the little dragon Dmukhlyk. He was already thinking about the details of the expedition, until here it is like snow on his head - a guest...
Fifth-grader Zhenya Tsibulko above all dreams of a true devoted friendship. However, the girls consider her a dreamer and a white crow, and the boys do not even take her into the band... Finally, she was...
Mr. Budyak, an experienced traveler, went on another journey. He will see the amazing land where birds and airships live, find new friends and be convinced once again: if you help others and reach out...
"Soon to school" express course will help preschoolers prepare for school, learn new skills and abilities and practice already acquired ones. By completing tasks from this book, your child will develop...
The king was so tired of the antics of the mischievous princess daughters that he decided to marry her off. However, only one prince spoke up. So a dispute broke out between Bianca, Violetto and Rosalind:...
Tristan Stephenson is a bar expert, writer and businessman who has been working in the hospitality industry for almost 20 years. According to Class Magazine, he became the Bartender of the Year in 2012,...
Most women who face certain emotional or psychological problems do not even think that the reason may be the influence of a narcissistic mother. If the person closest to you is excessively self-centered,...
Prominent Ukrainian women of the 20th century often remain unnoticed. Someone may hear about the fate of some of the heroines of this book for the first time, but...
Ця книга авторки Джоан Ролiнg у серiї романiв про Гаррi Поттера є пiдручником iз предмету Догляд за магiчними iстотами та нiбито належить Гаррi Поттеру. Ньют Скамандер, магiчний зоолог i дослiдник, повернувся...