Владимир Аркадьевич Теляковский (1860 - 1924) - русский театральный деятель, администратор, мемуарист, последний директор Императорских театров.
В своей книге автор рассказывает о жизни и работе Шаляпина,...
Книга посвящена 140-летию со дня рождения всемирно известного композитора русского происхождения Игоря Федоровича Стравинского, родившегося в Ораниенбауме в 1882 году. Издание является путеводителем по...
The piano ensemble genre has a long history and is one of the favorite forms of music making. In works for two pianos, unlike four hands piano duets, prevail virtuosity and a concerto style. The collection...
Предлагаемое пособие нацелено на постижение историко-теоретической концепции проблемы стиля в свете музыкальных реалий и научных подходов нового времени, а также формирование навыков стилевого анализа...
Goedicke Alexander Feodorovich was a composer, teacher, founder of the Soviet organ school.
He made a large contribution to the development of organ work in Russia.
The collection contains 20 little...
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy - a famous German composer, conductor, and pianist. He is the author of the famous "Wedding March" and the no less famous "Songs Without Words", which he composed...
"Violin School" by Josef Joachim and Andreas Moser is the first and one of the most thorough modern violin playing tutorials. The book covers the whole subject of violin technique from the holding of violin...
The anthology, compiled on the basis of curriculums of music colleges in Russia, includes works by Russian and foreign composers of the 17th-20th centuries. The collection includes polyphonic works, works...
The anthology, compiled on the basis of curriculums of music colleges in Russia, includes works by Russian and foreign composers of the 17th-20th centuries. The collection includes polyphonic works, works...
In the piano works of F. Liszt, the transcription genre occupied one of the central positions (c. 200). The symphonic works, arranged for piano close to the original, were called by Liszt the "piano scores"....
"The Wanderer's Songs" to lyrics by Chinese poets of the Tang era is one of the most mysterious and innovative works of G. V. Sviridov for its time. The philosophical mood, meditation and aloof depth of...
Николай Сергеевич Потоловский (1878-1927) - русский музыковед, теоретик и композитор. Сборник "500 сольфеджио" представляет собой пособие по развитию музыкального слуха и чувства ритма. Издание состоит...
Twelve Studies Op. 1, written during the training period of young Liszt with C. Czerny, is the initial version of the future cycle "Twelve Transcendental Etudes". The studies may be useful at the stage...
Настоящий сборник содержит 21 сонату Доменико Скарлатти (1685-1757), итальянского композитора, клавесиниста. Сонаты Скарлатти весьма разнообразны как по форме, так и по содержанию и представляют собой...
Russia Cast Adrift is one of the most significant works of Georgy Sviridov's mature period. Originally composed for tenor with piano accompaniment, Sviridov made a subsequent version for mezzo-soprano...
Органное наследие И. С. Баха (1685-1750) обширно: композитор обращался к своему любимому инструменту на протяжении всего творческого пути. В жанровом разнообразии особое место занимают хоральные прелюдии...
Ладухин Николай Михайлович - русский музыкальный теоретик и композитор. В пособии представлены различные ритмические и интервальные упражнения, гаммы и каноны. Исполнение изложенных примеров способствует...
This collection presents the music of four French composers: Adolphe Adam, Edouard Deldevez, Jacques Offenbach and Ernest Guiraud. The edition is intended for accompanists, ballet teachers and choreographers....
The anthology, compiled on the basis of curriculums of music colleges in Russia, includes works by Russian and foreign composers of the 17th-20th centuries. The collection includes polyphonic works, works...
Alexander Lvovich Gurilyov (1803-1858) was a composer who left behind a large heritage, the main part of which being the numerous romances. Gurilyov's vocal music during the author's lifetime was popular...
The genre of romance took a place far from central in the work of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908). However the composer wrote a significant number of chamber vocal compositions, which played a prominent...
Alexandre Ivanovich Dubuque (1812-1898) was the composer, who stood at the origins of the old Russian romance. His vocal heritage includes more than 170 romances and songs, which to this day remain in...
The piano music has never attracted the A. P. Borodin's (1833-1887) main attention. Piano compositions occupy a rather modest place in the composer's legacy. The "Little Suite" represents a new type of...
"Variations on a Theme of Chopin" were written in 1903 and to some extent represent a "workshop" composition, reflecting Rachmaninoff's searches in the field of piano texture. The cycle is based on the...
The romances by Pyotr Petrovich Bulakhov (1822-1885) were incredibly popular during the author's lifetime and were performed, in fact, in every house. Many of them are still included in the repertoires...
По мнению автора, в советский период русская музыка вступила в пору своего наивысшего расцвета. Именно в этот период, который либералы называют "тоталитарным" и не пригодным для проявления в полном объёме...
Эркки Мелартин (1875-1937) - финский композитор, дирижер, профессор консерватории Хельсинки. Основное место в его наследии составляют фортепианные сочинения малых форм (ок.400), многие из которых входят...
Carl Czerny (1791-1857) is known first of all as the author of numerous studies and exercises for piano. They reflected the aesthetic aspirations of Czerny the composer and the instructive attitudes of...
The lack of clavier and organ repertoire in the Baroque era formed the tradition of transcriptions. 16 concertos for solo clavier are transcriptions by J.S.Bach of instrumental works by Italian and German...
Isaac Albеniz (1860-1909) was a musician who laid the foundation for a new Spanish school of composition. The piano pieces are the best part of his legacy. In the early works, the influences of romantic...
В предлагаемом издании собраны балетные либретто, вышедшие в России в период с 1800 по 1917 год. Все тексты, размещённые в нём, приведены не только в полном варианте без каких-либо купюр, но с сохранением...
Carl Czerny (1791-1857) is known first of all as the author of numerous studies and exercises for piano. They reflected the aesthetic aspirations of Cherny the composer and the instructive attitudes of...
10 Preludes, Op. 23 are among the most popular works by S. V. Rachmaninoff, 1873-1943. The cycle was being created during a long period of time, and therefore does not represent a complete whole, all preludes...
The organ heritage of J.S. Bach (1685-1750) is vast: the composer addressed to his favorite instrument throughout all his career. I. K. Tscherlitzky (1799-1865), a Petersburg pianist, organist and teacher,...
Балакирев Милий Алексеевич - русский композитор, музыкально-общественный деятель, организатор кружка музыкантов "Могучая кучка". В 1860 г. он совершил поездку по Волге, чтобы записать народные песни от...
Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev (1787-1851) was a composer of a highly dramatic fate, best known as the author of vocal music. Among the most famous romances are "The Nightingale" to lyrics by A. Delvig,...
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1769) was a great German and English composer of the Baroque period. The present collection of small pieces for piano Hans von Bülow (1830-1894), an outstanding German conductor,...