Собрание сочинений по материалам архива композитора. Серия III. Сочинения для солирующих инструментов с оркестром или инструментальным ансамблем. Том 4. Концерт для фортепиано в четыре руки и камерного...
Concerto No. 1 for violin and orchestra. Piano score and part. Collected Works. Critical edition based on the composer's archive materials. Series III. Chamber Works. Works for solo instruments accompanied...
Volume 114. Igor Stravinsky. Symphony of Psalms. Arranged for Piano Four Hands by Dmitri Shostakovich
Gustav Mahler. Symphony No. 10 (Fragment). Arranged for Piano Four Hands by Dmitri Shostakovich -...
From the author:
"My work on "Suite fantasy" on music of "Carmen" began with the last part. And entirely all suite was written in 5 years as the plan was constantly in movement, and working was difficult....
Sonata no. 15 C major (KV 545)
Sonata no. 16 B-flat major (KV 570)
Sonata no. 17 D major (KV 576)
Sonata no. 18 F major (KV 533/494)
Sonata no. 19 F major (KV-Anh. 135/547a)
Sonata no. 20 B-flat...
Том 3 Серии 1 Академического полного собрания сочинений П. И. Чайковского содержит не сохранившуюся в полном виде вторую по счету оперу композитора "Ундина". Написанная Чайковским за шесть месяцев, она...
The collection contains pieces for piano by composer Vladimir Korovitsyn (Nizhny Novgorod). The pieces are characterized by a special melodism, emotionality and richness of harmonic language. The imaginative...
We are pleased to offer you the following unprecedented "Classical repertoire for ballet competitions" - "Pas de deux and duets" in 13 volumes (series "BALLET"). The exhaustive collection of ballet sheet...
The collection is addressed to pupils of music schools and musical offices of children's schools of arts. It is designed not only to open their view, but also to encourage to play, especially those who...
D. Solovyov. Chimes
O. Petrova, A. Petrov. Waltz. From the music to TV serial "Petersburgian Mysteries"
A. Nevolovich. Oriental Market-place. To the tale "Scarlet Flower" by S. Aksakov
"Снегурочка" по одноименной сказке А. Н. Островского - одно из ярких сочинений русской музыкальной классики. Сам композитор считал эту оперу своим лучшим творением. Сочинение было завершено в 1881 году;...
Й. Гайдн. Менуэт. Из Детской симфонии
И. С. Бах. Ария. Из Cюиты No. 3
И. Штраус. Полька-пиццикато
Фрейлехс. Еврейская народная мелодия
И. Брамс. Венгерский танец No. 2
Дж. Торелли....
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта (скрипки) и фортепиано (посмотреть ноты)
ПРОЩАНИЕ. Для альта и струнного оркестра
ПАНТЕОН. Траурно-героический марш для альта и фортепиано
М. Мусоргский. Пляска персидок из оперы "Хованщина"
А. Лядов. Вальс. Op. 9 No. 1
Л. Николаев. Листок из альбома. Op. 5
С. Прокофьев. Танец девушек из балета "Ромео и Джульетта"
A series of collections "Bayan in the XXI Century: Solo, Ensemble" is published on the initiative of People's Artist of Russia F. Lips. Vol. 9 contains original works for the bayan (M. Bronner, V. Zolotarev,...
The collection includes popular plays of the great Russian composer - "Nocturne" (arranged by V. Borisovsky), "Snowdrop" (arranged by V. Borisovsky), "Moment lyrique" (arranged by G. Bezrukov), "Impromptu"...
LEONID DESYATNIKOV born in 1955) is one of the most oroginal and widely performed among the Petersburgian composers. He is a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory and a member of the Composers Union....
M. Glinka. Persian Song from the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila"
A. Borodin. Cavatina from the opera "Prince Igor"
M. Mussorgsky. Hopak from the opera "Sorochintsky Fair"
N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Dance...
Prelude and Allegro. In G. Pugnani's style
Tempo di Minuetto. In G. Pugnani's style
Grave. In Ph. E. Bach's style
Siciliana and Rigaudon. In F. Francoeur 's style
Andante. In G. Martini's...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
The collection includes the most popular exercises for the development of technical skill of young violinists - by Sh. Dankla, G. Shradik, Yu. Konius, A. Yanshinov. For students of children's music schools.
The collection includes the most popular exercises for the development of technical skill of young violinists - by O. Shevchik, G. Shradik, E. Izai. For students of children's music schools.
В сборник включены рондо Й. Гайдна, В.А. Моцарта, Л. Бетховена, И. Гуммеля и других композиторов в переложении для валторны и фортепиано. Для студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также для концертирующих...
The "Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg" presents the new series of vocal collection consisting of the opera excerpts. Every publication is dedicated to either the Russian or European music...
Незавершенная опера "Игроки" - второе (после оперы "Нос") произведение Шостаковича на сюжет русского классика Н.В. Гоголя (1809-1852), созданное вслед за "Ленинградской" симфонией в период 1941-1942 годов....
Aleksandr Skrjabin (1871/2-1915) - russkij kompozitor i pianist. Ego tvorchestvo stoit na granitse XIX i XX vekov ne tolko khronologicheski: zavershaja velikij romanticheskij vek, ono odnovremenno smotrit...