Book review of 'The Architecture of the Cosmos: St. Maximus the Confessor' (New perspectives. Schriften der Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft, 69), edited by Antoine Levy, Pauli Annala, Olli Hallamaa and Tuomo...
For decades, archaeology and linguistics, two disciplines weawing together multiple interdisciplinary aspects have fostered a dialogue focusing on cultural and linguistic networks, mobility and contacts...
The Adapa myth is a literary work of ancient Mesopotamia with different versions in Sumerian and Akkadian. According to the Adapa myth, the sage and cook...
Marks of fire, value and faith explores swords with ferrous inlays found in Finland and dating from the late Iron Age, ca. 700-1200 AD. This study explores how many of these kinds of swords are known from...
Egypt and Mesopotamia, two cradles of civilization, repeatedly came into contact with each other in antiquity. Interaction between Africa and Mesopotamia...
Russian language. Short lexical-grammatical course for beginners (Incl. CD-MP3)
The textbook is written for those who begin learning Russian from the zero level. It may serve the basis for further studies...
Russian for business communication. Textbook: pre-intermediate course for studying business Russian as a foreign language.
"Russian language for business communication"is a textbook for Business Russian...
Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project - NATCP 2014
State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts. Volume X
Assyria's last great king Assurbanipal invested much time and effort ensuring that his accomplishments...
Published for the first time in a single volume are the sketches and photographs from the archive of Nelli Fomina, who designed the costumes for the films of Andrei Tarkovsky and was the director's friend...
In her comprehensive study of Karelian oral poetry Lotte Tarkka places this tradition within historical and ethnographic realities, contexts of local and elite ideologies, and the system of folklore genres....
T&P BOOKS THEME-BASED DICTIONARIES are intended to help you learn, memorize, and review foreign words. The dictionary contains over 9000 commonly used words. Recommended as additional support material...
Зачем белому кролику карманные часы? Почему улыбается Чеширский кот? Чем ворон похож на конторку? Как играть в королевский крокет? Отправляйтесь вместе с Алисой вниз по кроличьей норе в Страну чудес, где...
This is the most innovative, comprehensive and scholarly bilingual dictionary of Russian idioms available today. It includes close to 14,000 idioms, set expressions and sayings found in contemporary colloquial...
Tuhattaituri in English / Star Maths
Geometry: angles
Drawing and measuring; measuring angles of a triangle and their sum; parts of a circle; drawing a circle
The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. State Archives of Assyria. Volume II. SAA. Volume XX
The internal stability and cohesion of the Neo-Assyrian Empire to a very considerable degree rested on the public...
The textbook is a corrective course of Russian phonetics and is intended to work with students of different nationalities at the initial and secondary stages of education. Its goal is to minimize the accent...
The present course serves the interest of a very wide audience of the Russian language students. It can be used by those studying Russian at the initial, intermediate or advanced levels and also by business...
The present volume completes the critical edition of the political correspondence of Assurbanipal, the first part of which was published in SAA 21. The 163 letters...
Right up until the early 20th century, infectious diseases were always the most important cause of illness and death. Improved sanitation, vaccination and then antibiotics briefly tipped the scales in...
В этом издании знаменитая сказка французского писателя А. де Сент-Экзюпери (1900-1944) представлена на двух языках - русском и английском - с авторскими рисунками, ведь они - неотъемлемая часть повествования,...
Том 1 ''Современная техника ВКО и РЭБ России'' альманаха ''Вооружение Воздушно-космических сил России'' подготовлен Студией ''Этника'' с учетом формирования нового вида Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации...
Мир рассказов Гилберта Кита Честертона об отце Брауне - это воплощение Англии начала XX века. Места преступлений поджидают главного героя в загородных домах, сельских приходских церквях и садах, а также...
On the heels of his bestselling Soviet Bus Stops, photographer Christopher Herwig locates fresh wonders of the Soviet vernacular in Georgia, Ukraine and Russia itself
Shattering Minds is the first broad study on representations of mental illness in modernist Finnish literature. Through four case studies, it shows how in modernist texts mental suffering is not understood...
Trust is a sweeping puzzle of a novel about power, greed, love and a search for the truth that begins in 1920s New York. Can one person change the course of history? A Wall Street tycoon takes a young...
"Moscow: A Guide to Soviet Modernist Architecture 1955 -1991 provides descriptions of almost 100 buildings from the most underrated period of Soviet architecture. This is the first guide to bring together...
Настоящий словарь содержит свыше 100 000 терминов, сочетаний, эквивалентов и значений по следующей тематике: теоретическая и прикладная экономика, различные сферы финансовой деятельности, международные...
Pohjoiset maisemat ovat monelle se, mikä tulee ensiksi mieleen suomalaisesta luonnosta. Lapin koskemattomat erämaat, harmoniset tunturinäkymät ja puhdasvetiset purot. Koillismaa yhdistyy maisemallisesti...
"Passport to Russia" is a complete course in Russian intended for secondary and higher education as well as adult education, courses and private study.
The most important features of "Passport to Russia"...
With the help of a new free audio app, this revised and updated bilingual visual dictionary will help you improve your Russian vocabulary and pronunciation by seeing and hearing more than 7,000 terms.
Who were the Umman-manda? This is a question that has vexed Assyriologists since the early days of the discipline, particularly because the question has...
When eight-year-old Ania is sent to stay with her grandmother for the summer holidays, she finds a house full of strangers and a grandmother who pretends not to know her. Ania only returns home six years...
Казалось бы, штыки столь широко известного оружия, как "трёхлинейка", должны быть детально изучены, описаны по видам и сведены в опре-делитель, полистав который можно было бы получить исчерпывающие сведения...
Series: Folklore Fellows' Communications
Attn: In this volume are only the reference materials.
Medieval Norse written sources, ranging from poems originally handed down in oral tradition...
Tämä kirja on ainutlaatuinen matkailukirja, sillä siinä esitellään maamme tärkeimmät matkailukohteet ja -tapahtumat sekä matkailukohteina tärkeät museot ja muistomerkit. Nämä ovat siis tämän päivän turistikohteita,...
Since the 1980s, projects such as the State Archives of Assyria have made great strides in the philological study of Neo-Assyrian inscriptional sources, producing text editions and hand-copies of administrative...
Modernia elämää! esittelee modernin arkkitehtuurin, muotoilun, kuvataiteen ja valokuvan kohokohtia - niin tuttuja klassikoita kuin harvinaisuuksiakin. Näyttävästi kuvitettu teos on syntynyt viiden museon...
The title of this book encompasses two quite different academic worlds-those of Byzantine and Scandinavian studies. Each has its own academic tradition rooted in distinctive source materials. The world...