Boris Alexandrovich Arapov (1905-1992) - professor of music, People's Artist of Russia, one of the eldest representatives among the galaxy of Leningrad composers. His creation embraces three operas, seven...
The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg calls your attention to the collection "Romantic Trio" for violin, violoncello and piano by the wonderful petersburgian composer Natalia Karsh.
The composition being published for the first time was discovered in 2003 in Dmitri Shostakovich's Archives and defined as one of the composer's early attempts to write the Ninth Quartet.
L. van Beethoven. MINUET
L. van Beethoven. ADAGIO
L. van Beethoven. ADAGIO
/. Haydn. MINUET
/. Haydn. ALLEGRO
/. Haydn. ADAGIO
W. A. Mozart. MINUET
W. A....
The Quartet No 4, op.18 (1969) stands afar from the third one, though being connected with the idea of succession. Its cycle of three movements is rather chamber, appealing to the sphere of mostly bosom...
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symрhоnic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
Basner appeals to the genre of quartet in the very beginning of his creative way. He generates his Quartet No. 1, op. 1 (1948) as the composition of one movement, marked with intensive development, when...
The Honoured Art Worker of Russia Vladislav Kladnitsky was born in Zaporozhie in 1932. He finished the Omsk Musical School and then graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory where he studied in the professor...
Nikolaj Andreevich Roslavets (1881-1944) - kompozitor-modernist. Nachinal kak zhivopisets, druzhil s khudozhnikami "Bubnovogo valeta", obschalsja s N. Kulbinym, V. Kandinskim. Esche v predrevoljutsionnye...
Николай Андреевич Рославец (1881-1944) - композитор-модернист. Начинал как живописец, дружил с художниками "Бубнового валета", общался с Н. Кульбиным, В. Кандинским. Еще в предреволюционные годы заслужил...
S. JOPLIN Two Ragtimes
G. GERSHWIN Two fragments from the opera "Porgy and Bess"
O. PETERSON Ballad to the East
Yu. FALIK Two fragments from the opera-buffa "Scapin's...