В книгу включены материалы мониторинга русской речи по различным языковым аспектам. Анализ специфики отдельных компонентов речи (фонетических, лексических, грамматических, синтаксических и метафорических),...
Практикум по развитию письменной речи "Радуга" адресован иностранным учащимся гуманитарных специальностей.
Цель практикума - систематизация знаний учащихся относительно орфографических, пунктуационных...
The manual develops speaking, refreshes main grammar areas and extends active vocabulary in spoken register. It helps to develop the ability to act and react in a "Russian way" in a variety of situations...
Целью пособия является освоение артикуляционной базы русского языка, развитие фонетического слуха и тем самым создание предпосылок для формирования навыков всех видов речевой деятельности: чтения, говорения,...
Автор предлагает оригинальную систему упражнений по лексической стилистике для курса русского языка как иностранного. В книге представлены наиболее актуальные для иностранцев темы: состав слова, антонимы,...
Очередное издание в серии Новая библиотека "Русское слово". В него включены: вступительная статья; акцентированный текст автора (Даля); комментарии и пояснения грамматических, лексических и других трудностей,...
I LOVE YOU! The expression of feelings and emotions in Russian speech. The manual contains the lexical and grammatical exercises opening a theme " Feelings and emotions". Examples of the use of lexicon...
Russian Language course teaches basic reading, writing and speaking skills to beginners.
The textbook consists of five phonetic lessons for beginners and 20 lessons of a lexical and grammar course, both...
VOLUME 4. Hobbies. Nature. Calendar. All vocabulary concerning the topics "Hobbies. Nature.Calendar."
is presented in exercises and crosswords.
Книга представляет собой учебное пособие, которое содержит произведения русских писателей и поэтов разных поколений, а также систему заданий к ним. С этой книгой вы можете работать не только на уроке...
Modern Russian Idioms.
The present manual on the modern Russian idioms is designed for foreign students who speak Russian on the advanced level. It can be used both with and without a teacher. The goal...
We prepare ourselves to read a text: reading manual.
This manual is designed for foreign students with the basic level of Russian. It includes stories of the modern Russian authors as well as publicistic...
Let us speak about ourselves.
This manual is designed for foreign students of the advanced level of Russian. It helps to develop verbal speech skills on the base of literature texts, scientific texts...
Intonation in the practice of the Russian dialogical speech
The present manual includes 16 dialogues on such common topics of the modern Russian life as: books, transport, health, weather, sport, theatre,...
Practical stylistics of the Russian language for the students with Russian as non - native language. (advanced level).
The present practical course contains exercises on the stylistics of the Russian...
THE FAIRY TALES AT THE RUSSIAN LESSON. The supply for students of Russian. The book acquaints foreigners with the most popular Russian fairy tales. Reading the stories gives an idea of family life, ...
Level: B1
HOW TO SAY "NO". Expressions of the negative in Russian. The textbook in aimed to advanced Russian learners (Levels I-II). It widens your theoretical knowledge about ways of expressing the negation,...
PRESENT -DAY RUSSIA. Texts and exercises. 25 texts from Russian newspapers about youth culture, attitudes to work, modes of entertainment and social problems in contemporary Russia. All materials are...
We are similar, but we are different: Russian Reader for foreign students (advanced level).
The main topic of the present book is Russian culture and Russian mentality. The authors consider
the most...
Everything is good in its season. The way and means of temporal attitude expression in Russian.
This manual is designed for foreign students with the basic knowledge of Russian. The main aim of this book...
Visual materials of Russian. Part II. "How can I get to...?"
This visual material is aimed at the intensive training and drilling of the oral speech skills. It contains a set of illustrated tables, exercises...
A corrective pronunciation course addresses the needs of learners of different background. The main focus of the course is to practise pronunciation at the level of sentences and texts. A great attention...
HEART-TO-HEART CONVERSATION. The manual develops speaking, refreshes main grammar areas and extends active vocabulary in spoken register. It helps to develop the ability to act and react in a "Russian...
Учебный словарь предназначен для обучения математической научно-ориентированной лексике на русском языке; содержит не только общенаучную лексику, но и конкретные метаречевые выражения (фраземы), словосочетания...
В пособии рассматриваются этикетные речевые формулы в зависимости от стиля письма, последовательность его тематических частей, оформление начала и концовки письма, формы обращения и т.д. В пособии представлены...