The edition is compiled straight for bassoon, the instrument of woodwinds, distinct for low sound and the largest range.
Live sound of solo bassoon is most unique and incompatible. It's worth to...
Completed and revised editions with additional material. Pupils will become acquainted with the major and natural minor scales, which are built on the natural notes. The main purpose, in addition to playing...
В этом сочинении блестящий концертный пианизм Листа воплощен в полной мере. Мощный по звучанию и виртуозный по технике, этот одночастный концерт - пример характерного монотематического мышления Листа,...
Новое произведение митрополита Илариона (Алфеева) основано на евангельском повествовании о рождении и первых днях земной жизни Иисуса Христа. К изданию прилагается диск с записью сочинения (студийная запись...
Popular miniatures by one of the greatest Russian composers in arrangement for flute and piano by the well-known Russian pianist B. Bekhterev: Poem, Enigma, Desire, Ironies, Etude and other pieces. For...
Vadim Bibergan is the distinguished Petersburgian composer, creating music in dufferent genres - symphonic, chamber, folk instrumental, song and cinema ones. Bibergan's music is altogether emotional and...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Igor Stanislavovich Vorobyov (born 1965) - composer, musicologist, graduate of the Leningrad Choir College and the Leningrad Conservatoire, member of the Russia Composers' Union, Doctor of Arts, assistant...
Leonid Lyubovsky (*1937) was born in the small Russian town of Kamenka where he grew up during the Second World War. After graduating from the Kazan State Conservatory, he assumed a post there in the Music...
Alexander Chaikovsky (born Moscow, 19 February 1946), the Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, graduate of the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied at the great pianists Henrich Neygauz and Lev...
The Concerto for violin and orchestra was completed in 1966, being dedicated to the violinist Mikhail Vaiman, its first performer.
The Concerto continues the thread of the most dramatic opuses in...
The "Lunar Ball" is the imitation of the computer games musical language - from simple to complex. Light, "suspended" fingers, a minimum of emotion with an emphasis on technique. The piece "Aida Tirado"...
The collection of Antonio Vivaldi's concertos arranged for accordion by Yevgenia Ivanovna Muravyova, is a unique material for performing practice of both accordionists and bayanists.
Hopefully, this...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Sergei Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1859 -1924) the distinguished Russian composer, pianist, conductor, musicologist and teacher was born in Yaroslavl in the family of an astronomer. That was the future composer's...
Sergei Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1859 -1924) the distinguished Russian composer, pianist, conductor, musicologist and teacher was born in Yaroslavl in the family of an astronomer. That was the future composer's...
Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples...
Viktor Dmitriyevich Ogorodnov was born in Leningrad in 1953. He has been living in the city of Gatchina in Leningrad region since 1959. In 1978 Viktor graduated from Leningrad State Conservatoire named...
The Petersburgian guitarist Ilya Permyakov enjoys his popularity as an executant, being also the skillful arranger and teacher. He was bom in 1959. The town Vyborg (near Petersburg) became his birth-place....
Mikhail Trykov was born in Kostroma, Russia, in 1970 and started writing music in the spring of 1982 when he was only eleven. In 1985-1989 he completed a full course of study at the Music Theory Department...
Dmitriy Danilov graduated from the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Petersburg Conservatory in 2004, where he majored in choral conducting. He is a versatile and talented musician, who successfully conducts...
Вашему вниманию предлагаются сценарии вечеров отдыха для детей 5-6 лет.
Собранный здесь текстовый и музыкальный материал отличается большим разнообразием и не требует обязательного разучивания,...
Евгений Петров - композитор, преподаватель кафедры оркестровки и общего курса композиции Санкт-Петербургской консерватории, член правления Союза композиторов Санкт-Петербурга. Родился в 1973 году в г....
Имя юной пианистки, девочки-вундеркинда Тани Федькиной в 1960-х годах гремело по всему Советскому Союзу. В отличие от многих подобных чудо-детей Таня сполна реализовала свой необыкновенный талант и стала...
"Научи меня, Боже, любить..." - эти слова стихотворной молитвы великого князя Константина Романова определяют содержание предлагаемого сборника. Духовная лирика русских поэтов - основной источник моего...
Шестой выпуск сборника "Пойте с нами" продолжает публикацию песен для детей, созданных композиторами Санкт-Петербурга, нашими современниками.
Среди авторов - признанный мастер детской музыки Ж. Металлиди,...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Монография М. Г. Рыцаревой, одного из крупнейших специалистов в области русской музыки XVIII века, посвящена выдающемуся композитору, произведения которого поныне составляют важную часть светского и духовного...
1. January (By the Fire-Side)
2. February (Shrove-tide)
3. March (Skylark Song)
4. April (Snow-drop)
5. May (White Nights)
6. June (Barcarole)
7. July (Song of a Mower)
8. August...
Работа посвящена течениям и стилям джаза и рок-музыки, определению направления музыкального искусства эстрады, круга научных терминов в этой стилистике музыки. Учебное пособие предназначено для высших...
The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg offers your attention the series "Violist's Golden Repertoire", edited by the distinguished musician and teacher Alexey Vladimirovich Lyudevig. The introduced...
Sergei Viktorovich Yekimov (*1974) - composer, conductor, member of the Russia Composers' Union, art director of the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World", art director and conductor of...
Series of books, "The Cellist's Golden Repertoire", include major works from the world literature for cello, which are the basis of both performers' and students' repertoires. Alongside the large-scale...
Я обратился к поэзии Лермонтова не случайно. Этот диалог вызревал давно, подспудно, еще со школьных лет. Многие песни и романсы разных композиторов, написанные на стихи Лермонтова, в...
The proposed arias are remarkable not only for the highest artistic merits, but also represent a remarkable teaching material in particular contributing to development of cantilena. In this collection...
E. Krylatov. LULLABY OF MOMMY BEAR. From the cartoon "Umka". Arranged by E. Tikhonova
Gen. Gladkov. FRIENDS SONG. From the cartoon "Bremen Town Musicians". Arranged by E. Tikhonova
A. Shalov....