This edition contains the nocturnes by the great Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin, edited by Lev Oborin and Yakov Milstein, with comments referring to differences between the versions published during Chopin's...
A series of five choir collections issued by the "Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg" is arranged to coincide with the 7th International Competition for Young Choral Conductors to be held...
Кино - синтетический жанр искусства, вобравший в себя все культурное наследие прошлых веков: литературу, театр, живопись... Музыка в кино существовала всегда, начиная с импровизаций музыканта-тапера под...
Mike Witkerk is the South African composer and pianist. He has performed at many high profile occasions for such famous people as Michael Jackson, Chris de Burgh, Stevie Wonder, Cliff Richard and many...
Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers.His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Вадим Биберган родился 24 янв. 1937 в Москве. Окончил Уральскую консерваторию в 1960 по классу фортепиано у Н. Н. Позняковской, в 1961 по классу композиции у В. Н. Трамбицкого, в 1966 - аспирантуру в Ленинградской...
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
Творчество петербургского композитора Вадима Бибергана вмещает в себя сочинения разных жанров - произведения для симфонического оркестра, камерно-вокальную и инструментальную музыку. Широкую известность...
Альбом "Мечты о Шотландии" и одноименный нотный сборник родились в результате встречи устремлений двух творческих людей.
Пианист Дмитрий Часовитин, издавна влюбленный в Шотландию, много раз там бывал...
Evidently, all the young harpists begin with the same miniature pieces, opening the gate of the magic harp's world. Every one of them brings new knowledge about the music and the world, about the music...
Alexander Chaikovsky (born Moscow, 19 February 1946), the Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, graduate of the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied at the great pianists Henrich Neygauz and Lev...
Одно из популярнейших произведений П. И. Чайковского в переложении для валторны и фортепиано известного российского педагога Е. Семёнова. Для учашихся ДМШ
The Honoured Art Worker of Russia Vladislav Kladnitsky was born in Zaporozhie in 1932. He finished the Omsk Musical School and then graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory where he studied in the professor...
J. Martini. ARIA "Plaisir d'amour". Verses by J.-P. Florian
V. Bellini. ARIA OF RODOLFO "Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni". From the opera "La Sonnambula". Libretto by F. Romani (after E. Scribe...
A. Vivaldi. ARIA OF IRENA "Sposa son disprezzata". From the opera "Bajazet" ("Tamerlan"). Libretto by A. Piovene
G. F. Händel. ALLELUJA. From the oratorio "Esther". Libretto by J. Arbuthnot...
Izdatelstvo "Kompozitor * Sankt-Peterburg" predlagaet vashemu vnimaniju seriju "Zolotoj repertuar altista" pod redaktsiej izvestnogo muzykanta i pedagoga Alekseja Vladimirovicha Ljudeviga.
A. V. Ljudevig...
The well-known vocalises by the Italian singing teacher Guiseppe Concone (1801-1861) are largely used in educational practice, as well as in professional singcis' own work.
Nastasia Khroustcheva (born in 1987) - composer, pianist, member of the Union of Composers (since 2010), postgraduate student of St Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakoff Conservatorium of Music (class of S. Slonimskiy,...
The 'Collected Works' by Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin is a scholarly, practice- oriented edition of the great Russian composer's oeuvre. Its purpose is to present critically verified texts of Scriabin's...
Irina Nikolayevna Vilinskaya (1920-1986) - was known as an assisting professor of the solo vocal faculty at the Kiev State Conservatoire. The great galaxy of distinguished singers were brought up by her.
Роберт Шуман (1810-1856) - великий немецкий композитор, дирижер, музыкальный критик, педагог. Один из крупнейших композиторов-романтиков, автор четырех симфоний, нескольких концертов, множества камерных...
Campanella (Rondo from Concerto No. 2). Arranged by F. Kreisler
Caprice No. 24. Arranged by K. Szymanowski
Le Streghe. Arranged by F. Kreisler
Elena Turkina is a composer, member of the Composers' Union (Russia), graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, working energetically and fruitfully in different genres. Among her compositions there is...
A new issue in the series 'Great Violinists as Composers', containing works by the famous violinist and composer Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962).
For students of music colleges and conservatoires, as well...
Широко распространенные в педагогической практике инструктивные сочинения выдающегося немецкого пианиста и педагога. Предназначается для учащихся средних и старших классов ДМШ.
145 mm x 205 mm
Waltz-fantasy is one of the most popular compositions by Mikhail Glinka. The piece was created in 1839 having been intended for piano. Later it was orchestrated thrice.
The first...
The composer Anton Tanonov (born 1977) is a successor of the Leningrad-Petersburg music trend, Sergei Slonimsky's disciple, having enjoyed popularity already during the years of studying. Tanonov's exclusive...
Let's Walk
Rubbish Piece
Old Clock
My Grannie's Present
The Russian
Ancient Inscription On the Stone (Decipher it)
Young Street Musician
Nessie-Variation For the Left...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers.His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg" has already edited his...
This lyrical song cycle, composed by Beethoven in 1816, is the earliest work of a genre that flourished in the romantic era. The cycle consists of six songs performed attacca and united by a common subject....
Симфония No. 11 соль минор, Op. 103 "1905-й год" - симфония Дмитрия Шостаковича, написанная в 1957 году. Впервые исполнена Симфоническим оркестром СССР под управлением Натана Рахлина 30 октября 1957 года....