Georg Goltermann (1824-1898), the German cellist and composer, studied in Dresden at Friedrich August Kummer, being engaged by the Hamburg and Stuttgart kapelles. From 1850 he practised as the cello teacher...
Nina Zhemoldinova a well-known Petersburgian cello teacher, practising for almost thirty years. She is given the award of the Honoured Worker of the Russia Culture. Now she conducts cello class at the...
1. Vivaldi A. Concerto in C major
2. Goltermann G. Concerto No. 4 Op. 65 Part 1
3. Vivaldi A. Concerto in A minor
4. Schreber K. Concerto in G major. Op. 55
Georg Goltermann (1824-1898), the German cellist and composer, studied in Dresden at Friedrich August Kummer, being engaged by the Hamburg and Stuttgart kapelles. From 1850 he practised as the cello teacher...