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  2. Noter: Stränginstrument
  3. Noter för violin
  4. Concerto for violin and orchestra. Piano score and part

Concerto for violin and orchestra. Piano score and part

Концерт для скрипки с оркестром. Клавир и партия
Concerto for violin and orchestra. Piano score and part
12.00 € 10.91 € utan Moms
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The Concerto for violin and orchestra was completed in 1966, being dedicated to the violinist Mikhail Vaiman, its first performer.
The Concerto continues the thread of the most dramatic opuses in Basner's creation, such as the symphony and the Third quartet. Those were the Great Patriotic War memories to evoke the Concerto's psychological sphere, especially aggravated by the composer's visit to O? wi? cim, the former concentration camp of the fascists prisoners. The composition does not have special literary programme, however, its construction is based on concealed dramatic action. This is the combat between the Kindness and the Evil, Cruelty and Tenderness leading to the manifested protest against the fascism and violence. The musical contours here are stern, severe and keen. The orchestral facture is woven of distinct bare lines' contradiction, timber independence and unyielding disposition, achieved by means of orchestration. E. g., the violin is absent in the score, emerging only as the solo instrument. The group of percussions is numerous and ample.
Here it's worth to remember some graphic anti-militaristic posters by B. Prorokov, so as the drawings and painted works by the Kukryniks (society of artists Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov).
The Concerto for violin and orchestra was completed in 1966, being dedicated to the violinist Mikhail Vaiman, its first performer.
The Concerto continues the thread of the most dramatic opuses in Basner's creation, such as the symphony and the Third quartet. Those were the Great Patriotic War memories to evoke the Concerto's psychological sphere, especially aggravated by the composer's visit to O? wi? cim, the former concentration camp of the fascists prisoners. The composition does not have special literary programme, however, its construction is based on concealed dramatic action. This is the combat between the Kindness and the Evil, Cruelty and Tenderness leading to the manifested protest against the fascism and violence. The musical contours here are stern, severe and keen. The orchestral facture is woven of distinct bare lines' contradiction, timber independence and unyielding disposition, achieved by means of orchestration. E. g., the violin is absent in the score, emerging only as the solo instrument. The group of percussions is numerous and ample.
Here it's worth to remember some graphic anti-militaristic posters by B. Prorokov, so as the drawings and painted works by the Kukryniks (society of artists Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov).
Народный артист России, лауреат Государственной премии Вениамин Ефимович Баснер (1925-1996) - выдающийся композитор, чье имя вошло в историю отечественной музыкальной культуры XX века. 13 произведений для музыкального театра, 3 симфонии, 2 инструментальных концерта, симфонические сюиты, пять квартетов, вокальные циклы, музыка к 100 кинофильмам, более 300 песен - вот далеко не полный перечень его сочинений, успешно исполнявшихся на родине и за рубежом.
Концерт для скрипки с оркестром завершен в 1966 году и посвящен первому исполнителю этого сочинения скрипачу Михаилу Вайману.
Жизненными впечатлениями, нашедшими отклик в концерте, послужили, по словам автора, воспоминания о годах Отечественной войны, посещение бывшего лагеря узников фашистов в Освенциме...
Издание адресовано студентам музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также концертирующим исполнителям.
Narodnyj artist Rossii, laureat Gosudarstvennoj premii Veniamin Efimovich Basner (1925-1996) - vydajuschijsja kompozitor, che imja voshlo v istoriju otechestvennoj muzykalnoj kultury XX veka. 13 proizvedenij dlja muzykalnogo teatra, 3 simfonii, 2 instrumentalnykh kontserta, simfonicheskie sjuity, pjat kvartetov, vokalnye tsikly, muzyka k 100 kinofilmam, bolee 300 pesen - vot daleko ne polnyj perechen ego sochinenij, uspeshno ispolnjavshikhsja na rodine i za rubezhom.
Kontsert dlja skripki s orkestrom zavershen v 1966 godu i posvjaschen pervomu ispolnitelju etogo sochinenija skripachu Mikhailu Vajmanu.
Zhiznennymi vpechatlenijami, nashedshimi otklik v kontserte, posluzhili, po slovam avtora, vospominanija o godakh Otechestvennoj vojny, poseschenie byvshego lagerja uznikov fashistov v Osventsime...
Izdanie adresovano studentam muzykalnykh uchilisch i konservatorij, a takzhe kontsertirujuschim ispolniteljam.
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