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  5. Lambada Briosa for two pianos

Lambada Briosa for two pianos

Lambada Briosa для двух фортепиано
Lambada Briosa for two pianos
9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers' Contests (1990, 1995). Lambada briosa (poema ironica) for two pianos appeared in 1994. It was in 1995, when this composition was firstly represented at the International Competition, held by the Tokio Association of Piano Duets. The success came at once in the nomination "Transcription". The Lambada briosa won the competition.
The piece itself is based on the Latin American dancing melody, called lambada, having become the flavour of the month during the 1980ies. Belov follows the principle of quod libet (as you wish), used widely in humorous pieces through the music history. Such medleys usually imbibed various popular themes of diverse styles and origin. This time there were interwined such world hits as lambada itself, the Russian folk song "As the Birch-Tree Stood in the Field" and habanera from "Carmen" by G. Bizet. This is a true piano poema with sonata features. Its gist is saturated with everything desired by any ears.
The composition may become the cream of crops in piano concert repertoire.
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers' Contests (1990, 1995). Lambada briosa (poema ironica) for two pianos appeared in 1994. It was in 1995, when this composition was firstly represented at the International Competition, held by the Tokio Association of Piano Duets. The success came at once in the nomination "Transcription". The Lambada briosa won the competition.
The piece itself is based on the Latin American dancing melody, called lambada, having become the flavour of the month during the 1980ies. Belov follows the principle of quod libet (as you wish), used widely in humorous pieces through the music history. Such medleys usually imbibed various popular themes of diverse styles and origin. This time there were interwined such world hits as lambada itself, the Russian folk song "As the Birch-Tree Stood in the Field" and habanera from "Carmen" by G. Bizet. This is a true piano poema with sonata features. Its gist is saturated with everything desired by any ears.
The composition may become the cream of crops in piano concert repertoire.
Геннадий Григорьевич Белов (р. 1939) - композитор, выпускник Петербургской консерватории, ученик В. Салманова и Д. Шостаковича. Профессор Петербургской консерватории. Автор опер, оркестровых, кантатно-ораториальных и хоровых произведений, множества камерных сочинений. Среди последних выделяются вокальные циклы, а также сочинения для фортепиано в 2 и в 4 руки. Белов - лауреат международных композиторских конкурсов.
Lambada briosa (poema ironica) для двух фортепиано создана композитором в 1994 году. В 1995 году на международном конкурсе, проводившемся в Токио Ассоциацией фортепианных дуэтов, это сочинение, впервые там исполненное, стало победителем в номинации "Транскрипция". В основу пьесы положена ставшая популярной в 80-е годы XX века мелодия латиноамериканского танца ламбада. В ткань сочинения хитроумно вплетены (по известному в истории музыки принципу quod libet - "что угодно" - шуточных пьес, где соединялись мелодии различных песен, каковое сочетание часто давало комический эффект) и другие мелодии: например, мотивы русской народной песни "Во поле береза стояла", тема хабанеры из оперы Ж. Бизе "Кармен". Ироническое переосмысление популярных мелодий дано в контексте развития настоящей фортепианной поэмы с чертами сонатности.
Сочинение весьма выигрышно для концертного репертуара, рекомендуется студентам и преподавателям классов фортепианного ансамбля.
Gennadij Grigorevich Belov (r. 1939) - kompozitor, vypusknik Peterburgskoj konservatorii, uchenik V. Salmanova i D. Shostakovicha. Professor Peterburgskoj konservatorii. Avtor oper, orkestrovykh, kantatno-oratorialnykh i khorovykh proizvedenij, mnozhestva kamernykh sochinenij. Sredi poslednikh vydeljajutsja vokalnye tsikly, a takzhe sochinenija dlja fortepiano v 2 i v 4 ruki. Belov - laureat mezhdunarodnykh kompozitorskikh konkursov.
Lambada briosa (poema ironica) dlja dvukh fortepiano sozdana kompozitorom v 1994 godu. V 1995 godu na mezhdunarodnom konkurse, provodivshemsja v Tokio Assotsiatsiej fortepiannykh duetov, eto sochinenie, vpervye tam ispolnennoe, stalo pobeditelem v nominatsii "Transkriptsija". V osnovu pesy polozhena stavshaja populjarnoj v 80-e gody XX veka melodija latinoamerikanskogo tantsa lambada. V tkan sochinenija khitroumno vpleteny (po izvestnomu v istorii muzyki printsipu quod libet - "chto ugodno" - shutochnykh pes, gde soedinjalis melodii razlichnykh pesen, kakovoe sochetanie chasto davalo komicheskij effekt) i drugie melodii: naprimer, motivy russkoj narodnoj pesni "Vo pole bereza stojala", tema khabanery iz opery Zh. Bize "Karmen". Ironicheskoe pereosmyslenie populjarnykh melodij dano v kontekste razvitija nastojaschej fortepiannoj poemy s chertami sonatnosti.
Sochinenie vesma vyigryshno dlja kontsertnogo repertuara, rekomenduetsja studentam i prepodavateljam klassov fortepiannogo ansamblja.
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