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  4. Achron J. Selected Pieces for violin and piano. Piano score and part

Achron J. Selected Pieces for violin and piano. Piano score and part

Ахрон И. Избранные пьесы для скрипки и фортепиано. Клавир и партия
Achron J. Selected Pieces for violin and piano. Piano score and part
16.00 € 14.55 € utan Moms
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GIFT TO MOZART. Minuet. Op. 22, No. 2
GIFT TO SCHUMANN. Mill. Op. 22, No. 3
FUGHETTA. Op. 21, No. 4
GIGUE. Op. 21, No. 5
PUPPETS. Op. 22, No. 5
HEBREW MELODY. Op. 33. Edited by J. Heifetz. The original version of the melody as recorded by the author
SHEARS. Wedding Dance. Op. 42. Original variant of melody
JEWISH LULLABY. Op. 35, No. 2. Edited by L. Auer

The masterpieces entering this collection belong to the brilliant violinist and composer Iosof Achron (1886-1943). Being the student of Leopold Auer at the Petersburg Conservatoire Achron continued the Russian violin trend of the 20th century.

Joseph Achron originated from the Polish city Lodz, where he was born on May 1 (13), 1886. Being a child he learnt to play violin at J. Lotto in Warsaw. Since 1899 Achron went on his education but already at the Petersburg Conservatoire. Famous professor Leopold Auer became the youth's master, while the distinguished composer A. K. Lyadov taught him to create pieces. The 1904 was the first year of Achron's tours over Russia and Germany. The accompanist was his younger brother Isidor Achron (1892-1948) pupil of A. N. Yesipova, wonderful pianist, friend and future concert-master of the violinist Jascha Heifetz already in America.

During the period of 1913-1916 Josif Achron conducted classes at the Kharkov Music College, where his pupil was Isaak Dunayevsky. Since 1922 Achron resided in Berlin, since 1925 - in the USA. He died in Hollywood (California) on April 29, 1943.

Joseph Achron's creation embraces diverse pieces for violin; so as vocal music. Among his compositions there are the suite “Golem” for chamber orchestra, three concertos for violin and symphony orchestra, two sonatas for violin and piano, four instrumental suites, many violin miniatures. It was already in 1922, when the renown and mostly authoritive musicologist and criticist V. Karatygin expressed his attitude to Achron the following way: “The rare phenomenon came into being in Petrograd. There lives the remarkable violinist, able to invent the true chamber music. Achron has spiritual predecessors, the kind of astral bodies acting as pilots navigating the vessel of the violinist-composer along the world ocean expanses. These predecessors are the German classics and romanticists headed by Mozart, Schumann and Brahms. Besides, there are nameless far ancestors, whose recalls are embodied as the Jewish ditties and measures. The oriental elements are elaborated exquisitely and eloquently. The German spiritual influences are not just mechanically imitated, they are transformed, being interspersed into the whole facture. As a result there appears the music, striking by its novelty and fascination, that is so much appreciated in the violin stock.

This edition embraces versatile hues of Achron's artistic palette, so as his methodical treatise “About Chromatic Scale Performing on Violin” from the book Violin Technique Basis”.
Предлагаемый сборник впервые знакомит исполнителей и любителей музыки с творчеством скрипача и композитора Иосифа Ахрона (1886-1943), яркого представителя русской скрипичной школы первой половины XX века, ученика знаменитого профессора Петербургской консерватории Л. С. Ауэра, воспитавшего целую плеяду всемирно известных скрипачей.

Еще в 1922 году известный музыкальный критик В. Каратыгин писал: "В Петрограде имеет место редкое явление: существует отличный скрипач, который способен сочинять настоящую камерную музыку".
В сборнике представлены избранные пьесы И. Ахрона, демонстрирующие разнообразие творческой палитры композитора, а также его методическая работа "Об исполнении хроматической гаммы на скрипке" из книги "Основы скрипичной техники".

Издание адресовано учащимся и преподавателям ДМШ и ДШИ.


Приношение Моцарту. Менуэт. Op. 22, No. 2
Приношение Шуману. Мельница. Op. 22, No. 3
Фугетта. Op. 21, No. 4
Жига. Op. 21, No. 5
Марионетки. Op. 22, No. 5
Кокетство. Op. 15
Еврейская мелодия. Op. 33. Редакция Я. Хейфеца. Оригинальный вариант мелодии, записанной автором
Ножницы. Свадебный танец. Op. 42. Оригинальный вариант мелодии
Еврейская колыбельная. Op. 35, No. 2. Редакция Л. Ауэра
Колыбельная. Op. 1
Вторая колыбельная. Op. 20
Predlagaemyj sbornik vpervye znakomit ispolnitelej i ljubitelej muzyki s tvorchestvom skripacha i kompozitora Iosifa Akhrona (1886-1943), jarkogo predstavitelja russkoj skripichnoj shkoly pervoj poloviny XX veka, uchenika znamenitogo professora Peterburgskoj konservatorii L. S. Auera, vospitavshego tseluju plejadu vsemirno izvestnykh skripachej.

Esche v 1922 godu izvestnyj muzykalnyj kritik V. Karatygin pisal: "V Petrograde imeet mesto redkoe javlenie: suschestvuet otlichnyj skripach, kotoryj sposoben sochinjat nastojaschuju kamernuju muzyku".
V sbornike predstavleny izbrannye pesy I. Akhrona, demonstrirujuschie raznoobrazie tvorcheskoj palitry kompozitora, a takzhe ego metodicheskaja rabota "Ob ispolnenii khromaticheskoj gammy na skripke" iz knigi "Osnovy skripichnoj tekhniki".

Izdanie adresovano uchaschimsja i prepodavateljam DMSh i DSHI.


Prinoshenie Motsartu. Menuet. Op. 22, No. 2
Prinoshenie Shumanu. Melnitsa. Op. 22, No. 3
Fugetta. Op. 21, No. 4
Zhiga. Op. 21, No. 5
Marionetki. Op. 22, No. 5
Koketstvo. Op. 15
Evrejskaja melodija. Op. 33. Redaktsija Ja. Khejfetsa. Originalnyj variant melodii, zapisannoj avtorom
Nozhnitsy. Svadebnyj tanets. Op. 42. Originalnyj variant melodii
Evrejskaja kolybelnaja. Op. 35, No. 2. Redaktsija L. Auera
Kolybelnaja. Op. 1
Vtoraja kolybelnaja. Op. 20
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