Forward by President Vladimir V. Putin. The second volume in the series, familiarizes the reader with current and prospective rocket and artillery systems, describes the key priorities of major defense...
Includes sections on Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), other missile systems (naval cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles) and the design bureaus developing these systems, air defense systems,...
The volume 10 includes:
- Air Guided Missiles
- Helicopter missile systems
- Guided (Smart) bombs
- "Dumb" bomb munitions
- Navigational systems
- Aviation based reconnaissance systems
Communications and Information:
- 260 technical and program information security means
- information on 65 organizations and enterprises
- more than 980 colored photos
Parallel Russian/English...
Includes information on airplanes (bombers, fighters, transporters), helicopters, drones and unmanned systems, engines, and avionics.
Communications and Information:
- 278 technical and program information...
Подводные силы России 1906-2006
Глава 1. Страницы истории
Глава 2. Становление подводного флота в СССР
Глава 3. Океанский, атомный, ракетоносный
Глава 4. Система управления и инфраструктура подводных...
Seventh volume of the Encyclopaedia gives a detailed description of the tanks, armored vehicles and its derivatives, its weapons and ammunition, systems and equipment of the Russia' s Ground Forces, Airborne...
The first volume in the series is packed with detailed information on Russia's nuclear arsenal. Chapters highlight all elements: from design to production, deployment to storage. All relevant systems related...
The volume 8 includes:
- articles written by the Secretary of Security Council of Russia; the
Chairman of the State Technical Commission of Russia; the Director General of the Agency of Governmental...
This volume is prefaced with two articles. The first article was written by Colonel General Nikolai Baranov, the Head of the Armament Chief Directorate and the Deputy Armament Chief of Armed Forces of...
В первом полугодии 2015 г. сотрудники рабочей группы экспертов приняли активное участие в подготовке материалов книги "Оружие наследников Победы", посвященной 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне....
CD-ROM ebook to be used on Windows computer.
Installation and interface in English. Please allow some time for the book to be loaded.
The book is in English.
Volume 12 - "Ordnance and munitions"
CD-ROM ebook to be used on Windows computer.
Installation and interface in English. Please allow some time for the book to be loaded.
The book is in Russian and in English.
CD-ROM ebook to be used on Windows computer.
Installation and interface in English. Please allow some time for the book to be loaded.
The book is in Russian and in English.
Книга "НПП "Исток" 70 лет. От производственных побед к мировым достижениям". Издание посвящено 70-летней истории ФГУП "НПП "Исток", крупнейшего в России предприятия в области создания электровакуумной...
Книга П.И. Качура "Главный ракетчик Российской империи" подготовлена при поддежке Департамента рекламы и СМИ Правительства Москвы. В книге предсталена наиболее полная творческая биография русского ученого-артиллериста...
CD-ROM ebook to be used on Windows computer.
Installation and interface in English. Please allow some time for the book to be loaded.
The book is in Russian and in English.
The book considers the origin, formation and evolution history of the Tula Land's weapon-making, the historical foundations and background for the establishment of Tula as the weapon-making capital of...
Space and Missile defense systems (information and control), C3, Surveillance platforms, defense conversion of former ICBM, SLBM systems, engines and power plants.
Communications and Information:
Description: Parallel-text: Russian/English. The book contains over 1400 photos of arms and weapons systems manufactured by the Russian defence industry. Includes a section with photographs of leading...
The volume 9 includes:
- Systems and bases of the Air Defense Forces Weapons of the Army and Navy Air Defense units
Communications and Information:
- Systems and means of ballistic missile defense....