1. Böcker
  2. Kultur
  3. Humaniora
  4. Fractal2


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Fractal2 on Dimitry Sokolenkon ja Shunsuke Ohnon yhteinen sarja uniikkeja mikrofiktioita ja taideteoksia. Tähän kauniiseen kirjaan kootun sanan ja kuvan muodostaman multimediateoksen ytimenä, sen alkukipinänä, on fraktaalilaukaisin, joka luo itseään levittävän symmetrian. Yksi teos laukaisee seuraavan, joka puolestaan laukaisee sitä seuraavan, joka vuorostaan laukaisee seuraavan. Tämä on taiteellisen jatkumon taustaimpulssi, joka myös valaisee tapaa, jolla teos on syntynyt." kirjoittaa amerikkalainen kriitikko ja professori Peter Constantine. Ohno on ottanut runolliset kuvansa suurikokoisella kameralla. Kuviinsa hän on loihtinut unenomaisen värimaailman. Ryhmä kuvia muodostaan jatkumon toisiinsa ja ne on sijoitettu Sokolenkon absurdien tarinoiden väliin. Sokolenkon tarinoiden maailma on huikea. Mitä tapahtui kesällä 1978 kahvilassa Vatikaanissa kun tuleva Paavi Johannes Paavali I tapaa Pinokkion. Se selviää Dimitryn tarinassa. Kirjan eri ulottuvuudet aukeavat useammalla lukukerralla, eikä tämä taideteos jätä lukijaansa kylmäksi. Monikielinen: suomi, englanti
"Fractal2 is Dimitry Sokolenko and Shunsuke Ohnon a common set of unique micro-fiction and works of art. formed by the assembled this beautiful book of word and image multimedia work the core, it alkukipinänä, is fraktaalilaukaisin, which creates a self-spreading symmetry. One piece triggers the next, which in turn triggers the next, which in turn triggers the next. This is a continuum of artistic background impulse, which also illustrates the way in which the work is born. "Writes the American critic and Professor Peter Constantine. Ohno is a poetic image taken by a large-sized camera. His pictures he has conjured dreamlike color scheme. A group of pictures continuum shape to each other and are disposed between the absurd stories Sokolenko. Sokolenko stories the world is staggering. What happened in the summer of 1978 when the cafeteria at the Vatican by Pope John Paul to come I meet Pinocchio. It survives Dimitry story. the various dimensions of the book will open more numbers at a time, and this is a work of art leave the reader indifferent. Multi-language: English, Finnish
"Fractal2 is Dimitry Sokolenko and Shunsuke Ohnon a common set of unique micro-fiction and works of art. formed by the assembled this beautiful book of word and image multimedia work the core, it alkukipinänä, is fraktaalilaukaisin, which creates a self-spreading symmetry. One piece triggers the next, which in turn triggers the next, which in turn triggers the next. This is a continuum of artistic background impulse, which also illustrates the way in which the work is born. "Writes the American critic and Professor Peter Constantine. Ohno is a poetic image taken by a large-sized camera. His pictures he has conjured dreamlike color scheme. A group of pictures continuum shape to each other and are disposed between the absurd stories Sokolenko. Sokolenko stories the world is staggering. What happened in the summer of 1978 when the cafeteria at the Vatican by Pope John Paul to come I meet Pinocchio. It survives Dimitry story. the various dimensions of the book will open more numbers at a time, and this is a work of art leave the reader indifferent. Multi-language: English, Finnish
Bibliotekskategori BIC:
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    Publiceringsår: 2017
    Häftad, mjuka pärmar
    25.00 €
    22.73 € utan Moms