This manual contains the detailed information about meanings of Russian prefixes and various exercises on their usage, compare synonymous and antonymous prefixes, as well as usage of prefixed verbs in contest. The material is composed according to prefixes' order. Level: B1-B2
4th edition
LET'S LEARN VERBAL PREFIXES. This manual contains detailed information about meaning of Russian prefixes
and various exercises on their usage, compare sinonymous and antonymous prefixes, as well as usage of prefixal verbs in contest.
The material is composed according to prefixes' order.
Level: B1-B2
4th edition
Учебное пособие содержит детальные сведения о значениях приставок и разнообразные упражнения на наблюдение за их функционированием, сопоставление синонимичных и антонимичных префиксов, употребление приставочных глаголов в контексте. Материал расположен по приставкам, что делает его первичное изучение удобнее.
Издание 4-е
Uchebnoe posobie soderzhit detalnye svedenija o znachenijakh pristavok i raznoobraznye uprazhnenija na nabljudenie za ikh funktsionirovaniem, sopostavlenie sinonimichnykh i antonimichnykh prefiksov, upotreblenie pristavochnykh glagolov v kontekste. Material raspolozhen po pristavkam, chto delaet ego pervichnoe izuchenie udobnee.
Izdanie 4-e