Practical course of Russian for Service + CD
The present book is an elementary course of the Russian language for the staff of the hotels and restaurants. The goal of the book is to teach the service sphere workers to communicate with the Russian clients and visitors of restaurants, to understand their questions and to answer them. The course consists of two parts. The first part introduces the phonetic rules of Russian and exercises which help to teach the students to hear, to read and to understand Russian words. The second part contains materials which will help to develop the oral speech, reading and writing skills. For those who want to learn Russian better, there is a section called “A bit of Grammar”. Each lesson offers texts linked with the topic under study. They teach how to read in Russian and help to memorize words and sentences.
Пособие предназначено для обучения русскому языку зарубежных работников (сотрудников) сферы обслуживания.
Структура и содержание пособия, учебные материалы и виды упражнений и заданий учитывают коммуникативные потребности данной категории учащихся.
Пособие построено по тематическому принципу. Темы («Гостиница», «Номер», «Услуги» и др.) соотнесены со спецификой сферы общения и наиболее актуальными ситуациями.
Posobie prednaznacheno dlja obuchenija russkomu jazyku zarubezhnykh rabotnikov (sotrudnikov) sfery obsluzhivanija.
Struktura i soderzhanie posobija, uchebnye materialy i vidy uprazhnenij i zadanij uchityvajut kommunikativnye potrebnosti dannoj kategorii uchaschikhsja.
Posobie postroeno po tematicheskomu printsipu. Temy («Gostinitsa», «Nomer», «Uslugi» i dr.) sootneseny so spetsifikoj sfery obschenija i naibolee aktualnymi situatsijami.