Russian grammar in illustrations.
The main aim of the present grammar manual is to present to the foreign students the abstract rules of the Russian grammar in a very simple way.
Many situations of the modern Russian everyday life which are presented in illustrations of this book demonstrate the use of particular grammar constructions or forms.
The illustrated grammar of the Russian language is a book which can be used as an additional learning material to any other Russian grammar book.
The material presented in this book gives a good idea about the main elements of the grammar: the noun, the verb and the adjective. All illustrations, texts and tables in this book help to learn grammar constructions which don't exist in the native language of the foreign students.
Kuvitettu venäjän kielioppi
Tämä on erinomainen oppikirja, jossa kuvien avulla selitetään kieliopin rakenteita.
Kuvitettu kielioppi hyödyntää oppijan visuaalista muistia ja helpottaa muistiin painamista.
Пособие представляет собой справочник, цель которого - максимально наглядно представить особенности грамматической системы русского языка, с помощью иллюстраций облегчить понимание и запоминание материала.
Предназначается для широкого круга читателей.
Posobie predstavljaet soboj spravochnik, tsel kotorogo - maksimalno nagljadno predstavit osobennosti grammaticheskoj sistemy russkogo jazyka, s pomoschju illjustratsij oblegchit ponimanie i zapominanie materiala.
Prednaznachaetsja dlja shirokogo kruga chitatelej.