Подписка на печатную версию журнала оформляется отдельно.
Журнал освещает самый широкий круг вопросов по электрометаллургии, публикуются материалы по целому ряду направлений: технические и проектные решения по строительству и реконструкции электроплавильных комплексов; различное электротермическое оборудование для нагрева и плавления металла, его эксплуатация и др.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
broad range of questions related to electrometallurgy, technological and design options in the building or modernization of electric smelting complexes; various electric equipment for the heating and smelting of metal, its operation; the development of fundamentally new resource-saving technologies of smelting, extra-furnace processing and casting of ferrous and nonferrous metals, ferroalloy production; preparation of burden materials, etc.
Tilaa lehden painettu versio erikseen.
broad range of questions related to electrometallurgy, technological and design options in the building or modernization of electric smelting complexes; various electric equipment for the heating and smelting of metal, its operation; the development of fundamentally new resource-saving technologies of smelting, extra-furnace processing and casting of ferrous and nonferrous metals, ferroalloy production; preparation of burden materials, etc.
Podpiska na pechatnuju versiju zhurnala oformljaetsja otdelno.
Zhurnal osveschaet samyj shirokij krug voprosov po elektrometallurgii, publikujutsja materialy po tselomu rjadu napravlenij: tekhnicheskie i proektnye reshenija po stroitelstvu i rekonstruktsii elektroplavilnykh kompleksov; razlichnoe elektrotermicheskoe oborudovanie dlja nagreva i plavlenija metalla, ego ekspluatatsija i dr.