Три прелюдии - последнее сочинение для фортепиано выдающегося российского композитора (1994). Каждая из прелюдий отличается не только образным содержанием, но и особой манерой письма. В то же время тематические связи между ними обеспечивают единство цикла. Для учащихся старших классов детских музыкальных школ, студентов музыкальных училищ и колледжей.
Three Preludes is the latest piano work by an eminent Russian composer (1994). Each of the preludes stands out not only by its figurative content, but also by its particular manner of writing. At the same time, thematic bonds between them ensure the unity of the cycle. For students of music schools, colleges and senior classes of children's music schools.
Three Preludes is the latest piano work by an eminent Russian composer (1994). Each of the preludes stands out not only by its figurative content, but also by its particular manner of writing. At the same time, thematic bonds between them ensure the unity of the cycle. For students of music schools, colleges and senior classes of children's music schools.
Tri preljudii - poslednee sochinenie dlja fortepiano vydajuschegosja rossijskogo kompozitora (1994). Kazhdaja iz preljudij otlichaetsja ne tolko obraznym soderzhaniem, no i osoboj maneroj pisma. V to zhe vremja tematicheskie svjazi mezhdu nimi obespechivajut edinstvo tsikla. Dlja uchaschikhsja starshikh klassov detskikh muzykalnykh shkol, studentov muzykalnykh uchilisch i kolledzhej.