Геннадий Григорьевич Белов (р. 1939) — композитор, выпускник Петербургской консерватории, ученик В. Салманова и Д. Шостаковича. Профессор Петербургской консерватории. Автор опер, оркестровых, кантатно-ораториальных и хоровых произведений, множества камерных сочинений. Среди последних выделяются вокальные циклы, а также сочинения для фортепиано в 2 и в 4 руки. Белов — лауреат международных композиторских конкурсов.
Сюита состоит из трех частей: Музыка колоколов, Музыка леса, Музыка улицы.
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) — is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers’ Contests (1990, 1995).
The “Six by Three” (1989) is the cycle of three pieces in six hands. It was in 1990, when the cycle was awarded the Second Prize at the International Contest in Tokio, organized by the Association of Piano Duets (nomination “Music for Children”). As the cast of performers is rather unusual, it gives immense abilities to the composer's fantasy. Just scamper through the harmonic fluctuations — from simple clear phonations to complicated ones, imitations and poly strata structure.
The brilliant composition is suitable for concert repertoire. It may be performed by teachers and pupils at the lessons of piano ensemble.
The suite consists of 3 parts: Music of Bells, Music of the Forest, Music of the Street.
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) — is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor Belov creates a lot in the genre of opera, orchestral, cantata-oratorio, choral and chamber ones. Among his recent opuses there may be marked the vocal cycles, so as the piano pieces in two and four hands. Belov is the laureate of two International Composers’ Contests (1990, 1995).
The “Six by Three” (1989) is the cycle of three pieces in six hands. It was in 1990, when the cycle was awarded the Second Prize at the International Contest in Tokio, organized by the Association of Piano Duets (nomination “Music for Children”). As the cast of performers is rather unusual, it gives immense abilities to the composer's fantasy. Just scamper through the harmonic fluctuations — from simple clear phonations to complicated ones, imitations and poly strata structure.
The brilliant composition is suitable for concert repertoire. It may be performed by teachers and pupils at the lessons of piano ensemble.
The suite consists of 3 parts: Music of Bells, Music of the Forest, Music of the Street.
Gennadij Grigorevich Belov (r. 1939) — kompozitor, vypusknik Peterburgskoj konservatorii, uchenik V. Salmanova i D. Shostakovicha. Professor Peterburgskoj konservatorii. Avtor oper, orkestrovykh, kantatno-oratorialnykh i khorovykh proizvedenij, mnozhestva kamernykh sochinenij. Sredi poslednikh vydeljajutsja vokalnye tsikly, a takzhe sochinenija dlja fortepiano v 2 i v 4 ruki. Belov — laureat mezhdunarodnykh kompozitorskikh konkursov.
Sjuita sostoit iz trekh chastej: Muzyka kolokolov, Muzyka lesa, Muzyka ulitsy.