В этой фантазии известный петербургский композитор О. Хромушин сохранил лучшие страницы Исаака Дунаевского, придав им современные ощущения, чем еще подчеркнул талант великого маэстро.
В фантазии использованы тексты Матусовского и Лебедева-Кумача, с которыми Дунаевский очень часто сотрудничал.
Isaak Osipovich Dunayevsky is the composer, whose spirit Oleg Khromushyn started being permeated with - sins his green years - having watched the film "Merry Lads" and later "Circus", "Capitans Grants's Children", "Volga-Volga".
This fantasy was composed by Oleg Khromushin for to preserve the best excerpts by Isaak Dunayevsky, imparting the features of modernity to them, thus revealing the great master's gift even more. The fantasy includes the verses by the poets Matusovsky and Lyebedev-Kumach, whose texts were widely used in Dunayevsky's music to films.
V etoj fantazii izvestnyj peterburgskij kompozitor O. Khromushin sokhranil luchshie stranitsy Isaaka Dunaevskogo, pridav im sovremennye oschuschenija, chem esche podcherknul talant velikogo maestro.
V fantazii ispolzovany teksty Matusovskogo i Lebedeva-Kumacha, s kotorymi Dunaevskij ochen chasto sotrudnichal.