Ромуалдс Калсонс (род. в 1936) - латышский композитор, автор множества симфонических, хоровых, камерных инструментальных и вокальных произведений.
"Мозаика" - образные, красочные, ритмически изобретательные концертные пьес. Они познакомят учеников с "современным фортепиано" - новыми приемами игры, особыми знаками нотации, которые сегодня часто используются композиторами. О жанровом разнообразии пьес говорят уже сами их названия: "Юмореска", "Диалог", "Интермеццо", "Реминисценция", "Импровизация", "Речетатив", "Идефикс", "Причудливое шествие", "Вальс", "Токкатина".
Рекомендуется учащимся старших классов ДМШ и музыкальных училищ.
Romualds Kalsons (born on the 7 September 1936) is the remarkable figure amongst the panorama of the modern music culture in Latvia, being the composer, the pedagogue, the public benefactor and also the conductor and the pianist-concertmaster.
Kalsons was the student of Professor Adolf Skulte at the composition class of the Latvian Conservatoire, thus his creativ ideas are so masterfully and originally embodied. Kalsons' music is distinct by the features of a concert piece. Humour, lyricism and national nature are inherent to it.
R. Kalsons is the author of various genres' compositions. They are - the opera "The Prodigal Son", staged in Riga in 1996; the symphony and orchestral "Wedding Songs"; Violin and Cello Concertos; ecclesiastical music; chamber and vocal compositions.
Kalsons is the author of two piano cycles for four hands, which have enjoyed great popularity. "Mosaic" (1982) and second part-book of "Children's Scenes" (1998), which first part is addressed to young pianists-soloists. Both compositions are published for the first time.
Romualds Kalsons (rod. v 1936) - latyshskij kompozitor, avtor mnozhestva simfonicheskikh, khorovykh, kamernykh instrumentalnykh i vokalnykh proizvedenij.
"Mozaika" - obraznye, krasochnye, ritmicheski izobretatelnye kontsertnye pes. Oni poznakomjat uchenikov s "sovremennym fortepiano" - novymi priemami igry, osobymi znakami notatsii, kotorye segodnja chasto ispolzujutsja kompozitorami. O zhanrovom raznoobrazii pes govorjat uzhe sami ikh nazvanija: "Jumoreska", "Dialog", "Intermetstso", "Reministsentsija", "Improvizatsija", "Rechetativ", "Idefiks", "Prichudlivoe shestvie", "Vals", "Tokkatina".
Rekomenduetsja uchaschimsja starshikh klassov DMSh i muzykalnykh uchilisch.