Жаннэта Металлиди - признанный педагог: ее талантом создана фундаментальная композиторская и теоретическая школа для начального этапа обучения музыке. В судьбе Жаннэты Лазаревны сочинение музыки и воспитание юных музыкантов неразрывно переплетены. Ее произведения для детей отличает впечатляющее жанровое многообразие: сольные и ансамблевые пьесы для разных инструментов, камерная вокальная и оркестровая музыка, сочинения для духового и симфонического оркестра, кантаты для хора, музыкальные спектакли...
Винни-Пух на прогулке
Золушку не взяли на бал
Белоснежка и семь гномов
Капитан Немо
Всадник без головы
Том Сойер
Zhannetta Metallidi is renown composer and teacher: she has developed comprehensive method of teaching music theory and composition for the initial period of music education. Composition and teaching are entwined in Zhannetta Metallidi's life. Among her works one can find a variety of genres; she writes for chamber ensembles and symphonic orchestra, for choir and for young soloists, she composes cantatas and stage works, and all the abundance of her creativity is related to children.
This album has its own story. Children that are reluctant to open a book and read it one can meet far too often nowadays. They are not introduced to the miraculous community of literature characters of the famous books. Zhannetta Metallidi tried to fill this gap by means that sh had mastered. Could the child be such enthralled by the musical image that he/she would find the corresponding book and read it through acquainting themselves with the source? And here they are, all our favorite characters. The choice is somewhat unexpected (which is quite usual when dealing with the Zhannetta Metallidi charisma) One meets Quasimodo, ugly but kind, Winnie the Pooh strolls along, and beautiful Snow White, and terrifying Headless Horseman. The musical language by means of which all they are depicted is also contrasting and absolutely different from piece to piece. Dramatic Quasimodo is for older skilled pupils, it is characterized by atonal music texture, creeping sonorities. And Winnie the Pooh is here, simple and lazy, murmuring something under his breath. The album is addressed to differently skilled pupils, beginning from medium years in music school to the senior ones (the complex and demanding piece Tom Sawyer, for example, requires considerable piano skills).
Winnie-the-Pooh on the walk
Cinderella was refused the ball
Snowwhite and seven dwarfs
Captain Nemo
Headless Horseman
Tom Sawyer
Zhanneta Metallidi - priznannyj pedagog: ee talantom sozdana fundamentalnaja kompozitorskaja i teoreticheskaja shkola dlja nachalnogo etapa obuchenija muzyke. V sudbe Zhannety Lazarevny sochinenie muzyki i vospitanie junykh muzykantov nerazryvno perepleteny. Ee proizvedenija dlja detej otlichaet vpechatljajuschee zhanrovoe mnogoobrazie: solnye i ansamblevye pesy dlja raznykh instrumentov, kamernaja vokalnaja i orkestrovaja muzyka, sochinenija dlja dukhovogo i simfonicheskogo orkestra, kantaty dlja khora, muzykalnye spektakli...
Vinni-Pukh na progulke
Zolushku ne vzjali na bal
Belosnezhka i sem gnomov
Kapitan Nemo
Vsadnik bez golovy
Tom Sojer