Цикл фортепианных миниатюр "Мимолетности" создан Сергеем Сергеевичем Прокофьевым (1891-1953) в 1915-1917 годах. В настоящем издании представлена версия для скрипки с фортепиано. Авторы переложений - Виктор Деревянко (р. в 1937 году) и Яир Клесс (р. в 1940 году), - известные исполнители и педагоги, много лет концертирующие вместе.
Издание адресовано учащимся старших классов ДМШ и ДШИ.
Visions fugitives are a series of short piano pieces written by Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) between 1915 and 1917. They were premiered by Prokofiev on April 15, 1918 in Petrograd, Soviet Union. They are based on a poem written by Russian poet Konstantin Balmont.
The title is French for "Fleeting/Fugitive Visions" which is taken from the following line of poetry by Balmont:
"In every fugitive vision I see worlds, full of the changing play of rainbow hues..."
The pieces, though far from atonal, contain dissonant harmonies similar in nature of music composed by Prokofiev's contemporaries (Schoenberg and Scriabin), although still retaining highly original concepts in both tonality and rhythm.
List of movements by name (tempo)
1. Lentamente
2. Andante
3. Allegretto
4. Animato
5. Molto giocoso
6. Con eleganza
7. Pittoresco (Arpa)
8. Comodo
9. Allegro tranquillo
10. Ridicolosamente
11. Con vivacita
12. Assai moderato
13. Allegretto
14. Feroce
15. Inquieto
16. Dolente
17. Poetico
18. Con una dolce lentezza
19. Presto agitatissimo e molto accentuato
20. Lento irrealmente
Tsikl fortepiannykh miniatjur "Mimoletnosti" sozdan Sergeem Sergeevichem Prokofevym (1891-1953) v 1915-1917 godakh. V nastojaschem izdanii predstavlena versija dlja skripki s fortepiano. Avtory perelozhenij - Viktor Derevjanko (r. v 1937 godu) i Jair Kless (r. v 1940 godu), - izvestnye ispolniteli i pedagogi, mnogo let kontsertirujuschie vmeste.
Izdanie adresovano uchaschimsja starshikh klassov DMSh i DSHI.