В книге представлены рассказы для детей современной писательницы Тамары Крюковой. Это смешные рассказы о жизни и приключениях современных школьников. Добрый юмор очень понравится и детям, и взрослым.
Текст рассказов адаптирован (B1), сопровождается комментарием, заданиями на понимание прочитанного и на развитие речи. В книге приводятся наиболее интересные факты из жизни Тамары Крюковой.
This reader presents stories for children by contemporary Russian writer Tamara Kryukova, including "Chelovek Novogo Tipa" (The New Type Man), "Slava" (Fame), "Ekstrasens" (Psychic), "Sobaka Baskervilej" (The Hound of the Baskervilles).
These are the funny stories about life and adventures of schoolchildren. Nice and kind-hearted humour will be appreciated both by children and adults.
The text has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at B1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also presents interesting facts about the author's life.
This reader presents stories for children by contemporary Russian writer Tamara Kryukova, including "Chelovek Novogo Tipa" (The New Type Man), "Slava" (Fame), "Ekstrasens" (Psychic), "Sobaka Baskervilej" (The Hound of the Baskervilles).
These are the funny stories about life and adventures of schoolchildren. Nice and kind-hearted humour will be appreciated both by children and adults.
The text has been adapted for learners of the Russian language working at B1 level. Commentaries on the text and comprehension exercises are included with the book to check understanding. The reader also presents interesting facts about the author's life.
V knige predstavleny rasskazy dlja detej sovremennoj pisatelnitsy Tamary Krjukovoj. Eto smeshnye rasskazy o zhizni i prikljuchenijakh sovremennykh shkolnikov. Dobryj jumor ochen ponravitsja i detjam, i vzroslym.
Tekst rasskazov adaptirovan (B1), soprovozhdaetsja kommentariem, zadanijami na ponimanie prochitannogo i na razvitie rechi. V knige privodjatsja naibolee interesnye fakty iz zhizni Tamary Krjukovoj.