Уникальное резюме, которое сосредоточено на ключевых аспектах российского торгового права, а не обеспечивает краткий обзор юридических вопросов на теоретическом уровне, как обычные справочники. Выдающиеся юристы международного уровня раскрывают наиболее сложные темы, соответствующие их специализациям, описывая области в соответствии с проблемами специфической уместности для практики деловых отношений в современной России.
Темы касаются текущего статуса и перспектив для развития законодательства, иностранных инвестиций, конкуренции, энергии, тяжб и арбитражных судов, занятости, административной практики и прецедентного и налогового права.
Книга будет полезна как профессионалам, так и всем заинтересованным.
As a product of the practice of law, this compendium is unique. Rather than providing an overview of legal issues on a theoretical level, this book focuses on key aspects of Russian business law. Distinguished practitioners have addressed selected topics from their respective fields of expertise, with priority given to issues of particular relevance for business practice in present-day Russia. The contributions range from corporate to finance, capital markets, real estate and PPP, foreign investment, competition, energy, litigation and arbitration, employment, and tax law. They cover the current status and outlook for development of legislation, administrative practice and case law. The authors are 22 partners and counsel from the Moscow office of Clifford Chance, a leading international law firm with one of the most long-standing presences in Russia. Editor: Torsten Syrbe. Readership: managers, businesspeople, in-house counsel, lawyers in private practice and students will, we hope, find this book to be especially useful.
As a product of the practice of law, this compendium is unique. Rather than providing an overview of legal issues on a theoretical level, this book focuses on key aspects of Russian business law. Distinguished practitioners have addressed selected topics from their respective fields of expertise, with priority given to issues of particular relevance for business practice in present-day Russia. The contributions range from corporate to finance, capital markets, real estate and PPP, foreign investment, competition, energy, litigation and arbitration, employment, and tax law. They cover the current status and outlook for development of legislation, administrative practice and case law. The authors are 22 partners and counsel from the Moscow office of Clifford Chance, a leading international law firm with one of the most long-standing presences in Russia. Editor: Torsten Syrbe. Readership: managers, businesspeople, in-house counsel, lawyers in private practice and students will, we hope, find this book to be especially useful.
Unikalnoe rezjume, kotoroe sosredotocheno na kljuchevykh aspektakh rossijskogo torgovogo prava, a ne obespechivaet kratkij obzor juridicheskikh voprosov na teoreticheskom urovne, kak obychnye spravochniki. Vydajuschiesja juristy mezhdunarodnogo urovnja raskryvajut naibolee slozhnye temy, sootvetstvujuschie ikh spetsializatsijam, opisyvaja oblasti v sootvetstvii s problemami spetsificheskoj umestnosti dlja praktiki delovykh otnoshenij v sovremennoj Rossii.
Temy kasajutsja tekuschego statusa i perspektiv dlja razvitija zakonodatelstva, inostrannykh investitsij, konkurentsii, energii, tjazhb i arbitrazhnykh sudov, zanjatosti, administrativnoj praktiki i pretsedentnogo i nalogovogo prava.
Kniga budet polezna kak professionalam, tak i vsem zainteresovannym.