Данное издание представляет собой каталог выставки Александра Родченко, прошедшей в феврале апреле 2008 года в лондонской The Hayward Gallery. В книге представлены около 120 работ Родченко фотографии, фотомонтажи, плакаты и дизайнерские проекты журналов, которые охватывают два десятилетия творчества фотографа с начала 20-х годов. Александр Родченко широко известен в России и на Западе как один из родоначальников беспредметной живописи, яркий конструктивист, пионер советской рекламы и авторской фотографии. Диапазон тем снимков Родченко включает толкучку улиц новой Москвы, демонстрации, архитектуру, портреты обычных жителей и известных деятелей советского искусства Маяковского, Довженко, Бриков, Третьякова, Асеева.
This edition represents a catalog of the exhibition of Alexander Rodchenko that took place in February April, 2008 at the Hayward Gallery in London. The book has about 120 works of Rodchenko, photos, photomontages, posters and design drafts that cover two decades of works of the photographer since the beginning of the 20th years. Alexander Rodchenko is widely known in Russia and in the West as one of ancestors of objectless painting, bright constructivist, pioneer of the Soviet advertizing and photography. Range of subjects of pictures of Rodchenko includes crowded streets of new Moscow, demonstrations, architecture, portraits of ordinary inhabitants and famous figures of the Soviet art as Mayakovsky, Dovzhenko, Brikov, Tretyakova, Aseeva.
This edition represents a catalog of the exhibition of Alexander Rodchenko that took place in February April, 2008 at the Hayward Gallery in London. The book has about 120 works of Rodchenko, photos, photomontages, posters and design drafts that cover two decades of works of the photographer since the beginning of the 20th years. Alexander Rodchenko is widely known in Russia and in the West as one of ancestors of objectless painting, bright constructivist, pioneer of the Soviet advertizing and photography. Range of subjects of pictures of Rodchenko includes crowded streets of new Moscow, demonstrations, architecture, portraits of ordinary inhabitants and famous figures of the Soviet art as Mayakovsky, Dovzhenko, Brikov, Tretyakova, Aseeva.
Dannoe izdanie predstavljaet soboj katalog vystavki Aleksandra Rodchenko, proshedshej v fevrale aprele 2008 goda v londonskoj The Hayward Gallery. V knige predstavleny okolo 120 rabot Rodchenko fotografii, fotomontazhi, plakaty i dizajnerskie proekty zhurnalov, kotorye okhvatyvajut dva desjatiletija tvorchestva fotografa s nachala 20-kh godov. Aleksandr Rodchenko shiroko izvesten v Rossii i na Zapade kak odin iz rodonachalnikov bespredmetnoj zhivopisi, jarkij konstruktivist, pioner sovetskoj reklamy i avtorskoj fotografii. Diapazon tem snimkov Rodchenko vkljuchaet tolkuchku ulits novoj Moskvy, demonstratsii, arkhitekturu, portrety obychnykh zhitelej i izvestnykh dejatelej sovetskogo iskusstva Majakovskogo, Dovzhenko, Brikov, Tretjakova, Aseeva.