This book will help you learn about the abilities of animals that were previously considered impossible or fantastic. You will be amazed at how differently animals see and feel the world of planet Earth. How do animals use their senses? Smell and taste? Touch, vibration, hearing? How do they see? What is their world of colors like? The author helps you to look inside the worlds of animals and discover many secrets. You will meet beetles that are attracted to smoke and sea turtles that can sense the Earth's magnetic fields. You will learn that crocodiles detect the slightest ripples on the surface of the water, and that the eyes of the giant squid have evolved to see whales; that plants hum with soft vibrating songs, and that even simple scallops have sophisticated vision. You will learn what bees see in flowers, what songbirds hear in their melodies, and what dogs sniff outdoors.Many of the animals whose species are most different from ours live in places that are difficult to access or impassable - muddy rivers, dark caves, open oceans, bottomless depths, and underground spaces. We invite you to dive into this amazing immense world.
Ця книжка допоможе дiзнатися про здiбностi тварин, що ранiше вважалися неможливими або фантастичними. Ви будете враженi, наскiльки по-рiзному бачать i вiдчувають свiт планети Земля тварини. Як тварини використовують свої органи чуття? Нюх i смак? Дотики, вiбрацiю, слух? А як вони бачать? Який їхнiй свiт кольорiв? Автор допомагає зазирнути всередину видосвiтiв тварин i вiдкрити чимало таємниць. Ви зустрiнете жукiв, яких приваблює дим, та морських черепах, здатних вiдчувати магнiтнi поля Землi. Дiзнаєтеся, що крокодили виявляють найменшi брижi на поверхнi води, та що очi гiгантського кальмара еволюцiонували, щоб бачити китiв; що рослини гудуть тихими вiбрацiйними пiснями, i що навiть простi морськi гребiнцi мають складний зiр. Довiдаєтеся, що бачать бджоли у квiтах, що чують спiвочi птахи у своїх мелодiях i що винюхують собаки на вулицi. Багато тварин, чиї видосвiти найбiльше вiдрiзняються вiд наших, живуть у важкодоступних або непрохiдних мiсцях - каламутних рiчках, темних печерах, вiдкритих океанах, бездонних глибинах i пiдземних просторах. Запрошуємо поринути у цей дивовижний неосяжний свiт.
This book will help you learn about the abilities of animals that were previously considered impossible or fantastic. You will be amazed at how differently animals see and feel the world of planet Earth. How do animals use their senses? Smell and taste? Touch, vibration, hearing? How do they see? What is their world of colors like? The author helps you to look inside the worlds of animals and discover many secrets. You will meet beetles that are attracted to smoke and sea turtles that can sense the Earth's magnetic fields. You will learn that crocodiles detect the slightest ripples on the surface of the water, and that the eyes of the giant squid have evolved to see whales; that plants hum with soft vibrating songs, and that even simple scallops have sophisticated vision. You will learn what bees see in flowers, what songbirds hear in their melodies, and what dogs sniff outdoors.Many of the animals whose species are most different from ours live in places that are difficult to access or impassable - muddy rivers, dark caves, open oceans, bottomless depths, and underground spaces. We invite you to dive into this amazing immense world.