В рабочей тетради даны домашние задания, нацеленные не только на закрепление изученного в классе материала, но и на развитие речевых и творческих способностей учащихся.
В качестве помощи билингвам предлагается словарик с переводом ключевых слов и выражений с русского языка на английский, французский и немецкий.
Учебно-методический комплекс состоит из учебника, рабочей тетради со словариком, аудио приложения через QR код и методического пособия.
Workbook: My Native Russian Language, Year 5, Part 2
This Workbook, accompanied by a Textbook, Teacher's Guide, and Audio is designed for pupils aged 11-13 studying Russian as a second native language in the fifth year of a Russian language school abroad.
*The Workbook contains homework assignments to reinforce the material learned, and to develop students' speech and creative abilities, as well as vocabulary with a translation of key words and expressions into English, French and German, to assist bilingual students.
*The Textbook includes interesting and entertaining texts and exercises to stimulate students' learning and creativity, and is supplemented by an online audio aid.
The books (Part 1 plus Part 2) can be used for a full-year school course comprising 32 Reading-Conversational lessons and 32 Grammar lessons, arranged by topics. The lessons develop thought and speech, enrich students' active vocabulary, and raise the general standard of their language skills.
Part 2 includes 9 Topics over 30 lessons: 16 Conversation and 14 Grammar Lessons.
The materials contain 230 key words, 210 commonly used conversational expressions, 90 proverbs, 14 songs, and recommends a list of over 70 books for home reading - all on the topics studied.
By working with these books, pupils are sure to learn a lot of new things, develop good friendships in the classroom, fall in love with the subject, and start speaking Russian fluently and correctly!
We wish them every success in their Russian studies!
V rabochej tetradi dany domashnie zadanija, natselennye ne tolko na zakreplenie izuchennogo v klasse materiala, no i na razvitie rechevykh i tvorcheskikh sposobnostej uchaschikhsja.
V kachestve pomoschi bilingvam predlagaetsja slovarik s perevodom kljuchevykh slov i vyrazhenij s russkogo jazyka na anglijskij, frantsuzskij i nemetskij.
Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks sostoit iz uchebnika, rabochej tetradi so slovarikom, audio prilozhenija cherez QR kod i metodicheskogo posobija.