Предлагаемый информационно-биографический справочник о последних царских дипломатах содержит персональные данные о штатных и сверхштатных сотрудниках Министерства иностранных дел, находившихся в 1900-1917 гг. на действительной службе. В таких временных рамках подобного рода энциклопедическое издание представляется впервые. Оно отличается полнотой собранного биографического материала и использованием принятой профессиональной дипломатической терминологии. В справочнике личные сведения о дипломатах, кроме традиционных данных об основных этапах дипломатической карьеры, дополнены информацией о социальном происхождении, образовании, круге интересов (наука, литература, журналистика, музыка, живопись, спорт, коллекционирование и пр.), а также о наличии воспоминаний и иных авторских публикаций. Справочник предназначен для широкого круга специалистов, занимающихся историей дипломатической службы, проблемами социологии профессий и профессиональных групп. Может быть полезен в качестве учебного материала для преподавания курсов, посвящённых изучению социально-политической истории России начала ХХ века.
Book in Russian
The proposed informational and biographical handbook on the last tsarist's diplomats contains personal data on full-time and supernumerary employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were in active service in 1900-1917. In such a time frame, this kind of encyclopedic publication is presented for the first time. It is distinguished by the completeness of the collected biographical material and the use of the accepted professional diplomatic terminology. In the directory, personal information about diplomats, in addition to traditional data on the main stages of a diplomatic career, is supplemented with information about social development, education, range of interests (science, literature, journalism, music, painting, sports, collecting, etc.), as well as the presence of memoirs and other author's publications. The handbook is intended for a wide range of specialists dealing with the history of the diplomatic service, problems of the sociology of professions and professional groups. It can be useful as a teaching material for teaching courses devoted to the study of the socio-political history of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The proposed biographical reference book about the last tsarist diplomats contains personal data on the full-time and supernumerary employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who were in 1900-1917. at the real service. In such a time frame, this kind of encyclopedic publication is presented for the first time. It is distinguished by the completeness of the collected biographical material and the use of the accepted professional diplomatic terminology. In the directory, personal information about diplomats, in addition to traditional data on the main stages of a diplomatic career, is supplemented with information on social origin, education, range of interests (science, literature, journalism, music, painting, sports, collecting, etc.), and also about the presence of memories and other author's publications. The handbook is intended for a wide range of specialists dealing with the history of the diplomatic service, problems of the sociology of professions and professional groups. It can be useful as a teaching material for teaching courses on the study of the socio-political history of Russia in the early twentieth century.
Predlagaemyj informatsionno-biograficheskij spravochnik o poslednikh tsarskikh diplomatakh soderzhit personalnye dannye o shtatnykh i sverkhshtatnykh sotrudnikakh Ministerstva inostrannykh del, nakhodivshikhsja v 1900-1917 gg. na dejstvitelnoj sluzhbe. V takikh vremennykh ramkakh podobnogo roda entsiklopedicheskoe izdanie predstavljaetsja vpervye. Ono otlichaetsja polnotoj sobrannogo biograficheskogo materiala i ispolzovaniem prinjatoj professionalnoj diplomaticheskoj terminologii. V spravochnike lichnye svedenija o diplomatakh, krome traditsionnykh dannykh ob osnovnykh etapakh diplomaticheskoj karery, dopolneny informatsiej o sotsialnom proiskhozhdenii, obrazovanii, kruge interesov (nauka, literatura, zhurnalistika, muzyka, zhivopis, sport, kollektsionirovanie i pr.), a takzhe o nalichii vospominanij i inykh avtorskikh publikatsij. Spravochnik prednaznachen dlja shirokogo kruga spetsialistov, zanimajuschikhsja istoriej diplomaticheskoj sluzhby, problemami sotsiologii professij i professionalnykh grupp. Mozhet byt polezen v kachestve uchebnogo materiala dlja prepodavanija kursov, posvjaschjonnykh izucheniju sotsialno-politicheskoj istorii Rossii nachala KHKh veka.