В сборнике размещены научные труды и результаты совместных научно-исследовательских проектов, представленных на 4-ой международной научно-практической конференции в Государственном университете управления (ГУУ) проведенной 7-8 апреля 2020 года, посвященной актуальным проблемам учета, анализа, контроля и налогообложения, а также формированию профессии бухгалтера в современном обществе в условиях цифровизации экономики. Издание предназначено для преподавателей экономических дисциплин, аспирантов, научных сотрудников, обучающихся по экономическим направлениям, исследующих современные проблемы бухгалтерского учета, анализа, контроля и налогообложения в современном обществе.The collection contains scientific works and the results of joint research projects presented at the 4rd international scientific and practical conference at the State University of management (GUU) held on April 7-8, 2020, devoted to topical issues of accounting, analysis, control and taxation, as well as the formation of the profession of accountant in modern society in the digitalization of the economy. The publication is intended for teachers of economic disciplines, graduate students, researchers studying economic trends, inves-blowing modern problems of accounting, analysis, control and taxation in a modern society.
V sbornike razmescheny nauchnye trudy i rezultaty sovmestnykh nauchno-issledovatelskikh proektov, predstavlennykh na 4-oj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii v Gosudarstvennom universitete upravlenija (GUU) provedennoj 7-8 aprelja 2020 goda, posvjaschennoj aktualnym problemam ucheta, analiza, kontrolja i nalogooblozhenija, a takzhe formirovaniju professii bukhgaltera v sovremennom obschestve v uslovijakh tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki. Izdanie prednaznacheno dlja prepodavatelej ekonomicheskikh distsiplin, aspirantov, nauchnykh sotrudnikov, obuchajuschikhsja po ekonomicheskim napravlenijam, issledujuschikh sovremennye problemy bukhgalterskogo ucheta, analiza, kontrolja i nalogooblozhenija v sovremennom obschestve.The collection contains scientific works and the results of joint research projects presented at the 4rd international scientific and practical conference at the State University of management (GUU) held on April 7-8, 2020, devoted to topical issues of accounting, analysis, control and taxation, as well as the formation of the profession of accountant in modern society in the digitalization of the economy. The publication is intended for teachers of economic disciplines, graduate students, researchers studying economic trends, inves-blowing modern problems of accounting, analysis, control and taxation in a modern society.