Триггер - это спусковой крючок, который запускает лавину изменений. Заставляет наконец-то начать заниматься спортом, придерживаться правильного питания, изучать иностранный язык, управлять личными финансами и регулярно убираться в доме. Маршалл Голдсмит, знаменитый бизнес-тренер, автор трех мировых бестселлеров, считает, что только продуманная система триггеров способна привести к долгосрочному преображению жизни.
"Мы не всегда вправе выбирать среду, в которой живем, но способны выбирать собственные реакции. Голдсмит предлагает простой и эффективный способ, как это сделать, - научиться задавать "активные" вопросы. Овладев этим приемом, вы выведете свою жизнь на кардинально новый уровень!" - Татьяна Мужицкая, НЛП-тренер, коуч, автор бестселлеров "Теория невероятности", "Брать, давать и наслаждаться"
Переводчик: Новикова Т. О.
Do you ever find that you are not the patient, compassionate problem solver you believe yourself to be? Are you surprised at how irritated or flustered the normally unflappable you becomes in the presence of a specific colleague at work? Have you ever felt your temper accelerate from zero to sixty when another driver cuts you off in traffic? Our reactions don't occur in a vacuum. They are usually the result of unappreciated triggers in our environment-the people and situations that lure us into behaving in a manner diametrically opposed to the colleague, partner, parent, or friend we imagine ourselves to be. These triggers are constant and relentless and omnipresent. So often the environment seems to be outside our control. Even if that is true, as Goldsmith points out, we have a choice in how we respond.
In Triggers, his most powerful and insightful book yet, Goldsmith shows how we can overcome the trigger points in our lives, and enact meaningful and lasting change. Goldsmith offers a simple "magic bullet" solution in the form of daily self-monitoring, hinging around what he calls "active" questions. These are questions that measure our effort, not our results. There's a difference between achieving and trying; we can't always achieve a desired result, but anyone can try. In the course of Triggers, Goldsmith details the six "engaging questions" that can help us take responsibility for our efforts to improve and help us recognize when we fall short. Filled with revealing and illuminating stories from his work with some of the most successful chief executives and power brokers in the business world, Goldsmith offers a personal playbook on how to achieve change in our lives, make it stick, and become the person we want to be.
Trigger - eto spuskovoj krjuchok, kotoryj zapuskaet lavinu izmenenij. Zastavljaet nakonets-to nachat zanimatsja sportom, priderzhivatsja pravilnogo pitanija, izuchat inostrannyj jazyk, upravljat lichnymi finansami i reguljarno ubiratsja v dome. Marshall Goldsmit, znamenityj biznes-trener, avtor trekh mirovykh bestsellerov, schitaet, chto tolko produmannaja sistema triggerov sposobna privesti k dolgosrochnomu preobrazheniju zhizni.
"My ne vsegda vprave vybirat sredu, v kotoroj zhivem, no sposobny vybirat sobstvennye reaktsii. Goldsmit predlagaet prostoj i effektivnyj sposob, kak eto sdelat, - nauchitsja zadavat "aktivnye" voprosy. Ovladev etim priemom, vy vyvedete svoju zhizn na kardinalno novyj uroven!" - Tatjana Muzhitskaja, NLP-trener, kouch, avtor bestsellerov "Teorija neverojatnosti", "Brat, davat i naslazhdatsja"
Perevodchik: Novikova T. O.