Данное учебное пособие адресовано иностранным учащимся, приступающим к обучению на юридических факультетах вузов России и владеющим русским языком в объеме I сертификационного уровня. Основной, глобальной целью обучения является достижение заданного уровня коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, что предполагает, в частности, целенаправленное формирование таких ее основных компонентов, как речевая, языковая и предметная компетенция.
Russian for the students of law: Manual for foreign students of law.
The manual is designed for foreign students who study law at high schools of Russia and speak Russian at the first certificate level. The main goal is the formation of the communicative competence sufficient for professional dialogue communication in the scientific activities of the foreign students. The manual is designed according to the new educational standards: special attention is paid to the formation of speech abilities in four kinds of speech activity, including oral scientific speech (speaking and listening), both monologues and dialogical speech. This book is based on three general law courses: "The theory of State and the rights "," General history of the State and the right "," History of the domestic state and the right " The manual includes a CD.
Russian for the students of law: Manual for foreign students of law.
The manual is designed for foreign students who study law at high schools of Russia and speak Russian at the first certificate level. The main goal is the formation of the communicative competence sufficient for professional dialogue communication in the scientific activities of the foreign students. The manual is designed according to the new educational standards: special attention is paid to the formation of speech abilities in four kinds of speech activity, including oral scientific speech (speaking and listening), both monologues and dialogical speech. This book is based on three general law courses: "The theory of State and the rights "," General history of the State and the right "," History of the domestic state and the right " The manual includes a CD.
Dannoe uchebnoe posobie adresovano inostrannym uchaschimsja, pristupajuschim k obucheniju na juridicheskikh fakultetakh vuzov Rossii i vladejuschim russkim jazykom v obeme I sertifikatsionnogo urovnja. Osnovnoj, globalnoj tselju obuchenija javljaetsja dostizhenie zadannogo urovnja kommunikativnoj kompetentsii uchaschikhsja, chto predpolagaet, v chastnosti, tselenapravlennoe formirovanie takikh ee osnovnykh komponentov, kak rechevaja, jazykovaja i predmetnaja kompetentsija.