Автор, профессор Института политических наук Варшавского университета, анализирует развитие и обособление науки о политике, виды политической активности (забастовки, демонстрации, терроризм), международные отношения, поведение на выборах и проведение избирательных кампаний, модели распределения власти, а также формирование партий и политических элит. Для политологов и социологов, специалистов по связям с общественностью, студентов и аспирантов, специализирующихся в соответствующих областях. «Politology» - is a book for those who is professionally interested in politics. The author of the book is professor of Politology Institute of Warsaw University - analyses development and isolation of political science, types of political activities (strikes, demonstrations, terrorism), international relationships, behavior during elections and election campaign, models of political power distribution and forming of parties and political elites.
Avtor, professor Instituta politicheskikh nauk Varshavskogo universiteta, analiziruet razvitie i obosoblenie nauki o politike, vidy politicheskoj aktivnosti (zabastovki, demonstratsii, terrorizm), mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, povedenie na vyborakh i provedenie izbiratelnykh kampanij, modeli raspredelenija vlasti, a takzhe formirovanie partij i politicheskikh elit. Dlja politologov i sotsiologov, spetsialistov po svjazjam s obschestvennostju, studentov i aspirantov, spetsializirujuschikhsja v sootvetstvujuschikh oblastjakh. «Politology» - is a book for those who is professionally interested in politics. The author of the book is professor of Politology Institute of Warsaw University - analyses development and isolation of political science, types of political activities (strikes, demonstrations, terrorism), international relationships, behavior during elections and election campaign, models of political power distribution and forming of parties and political elites.