Boris Tishchenko belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit, elaborated symphonic...
Collected Works. Volume 13. Beatrice. Choreo-symphonic cycliade in five symphonies. After "La Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. For full orchestra. Orchestra score. Dante-symphony No 4, "And of that second...
Collected Works. Volume 12. Beatrice. Choreo-symponic cycliade in five symphonies. After "La Divina Commedia" by Dante Alighieri. For full symphony orchestra. Score. Dante-Symphony No 1 "Among the Living...
Boris Tishchenko (1939-2010) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
This is the piano creation of the composer Boris Tishchenko to be getting under listeners' and performers' skin without fail. The features peculiar to it are rarely inherent in piano music on the whole...
Свою первую сонату, посвященную великому учителю и кумиру Д. Д. Шостаковичу, Борис Тищенко начал писать еще студентом в 1957 году. Многие годы спустя он вернулся к этому сочинению, переработав первую часть...
Every sonata by Boris Tishchenko really takes its special unique place in the galaxy of his ten sonatas. Although they are distinct for diverse thematic collisions and inventive structural decisions, there...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
The piano cycle "Fancies" by Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) may be called the edition of the composer's works, having been created during the years of his youth. So many years have passed since these...
Борис Тищенко (1939-2010) - композитор, пианист, профессор Петербургской консерватории. Автор музыкально-сценических произведений, симфоний, концертов, вокально-оркестровых сочинений, камерно-инструментальной...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Этот вокальный цикл на детские стихи Овсея Дриза был написан Борисом Тищенко в 1973 году и доработан в 1996 - к девяностолетию со дня рождения великого учителя Д. Д. Шостаковича. За это время концепция...
Фортепианное творчество Бориса Тищенко - явление совершенно уникальное. Оно обладает качествами, которые чрезвычайно редко сочетаются в фортепианной музыке: монументальным симфоническим размахом, блестящей...
Boris Tishchenko is a distinguished artist among those in Russia at the end of the twentieth century. Being mostly intellectual and psychological composer he manages to work both the developed composition...
В 1797 году появились первые сообщения о найденном рукописном сборнике, содержавшем среди прочего "Слово о полку Игореве". Спустя три года оно было издано. А в 1812-м, во время московского пожара, рукопись...
This is the piano creation of the composer Boris Tishchenko to be getting under listeners' and performers' skin without fail. The features peculiar to it are rarely inherent in piano music on the whole...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
The Sonata No. 3 for piano is ranked among the most fanciful one of all the others. This is the kind of an experience in both structural and thematic spheres, expressed by means of miraculous graphic of...
On the 29th of June 2005 Chairman of St. Petersburg Union of Composers Andrey Petrov invited those who were the pupils of Shostakovich in his later years - the post-graduates of the 1960s Gennady Belov,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
Boris Tishchenko (1939-2010) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit, elaborated...
This is the piano creation of the composer Boris Tishchenko to be getting under listeners' and performers' skin without fail. The features peculiar to it are rarely inherent in piano music on the whole...
В творчестве выдающегося российского композитора современности Бориса Тищенко вокальная музыка занимает значительнейшее место. Помимо крупных вокально-симфонических опусов (симфония "Марина", Реквием на...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones - are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Revising "La Divina Commedia" I used to ask myself the following questions. What was the reason of Dante to have lost Beatrice? What led him to loneliness, banishment and journey to the other world? The...
Boris Ivanovich Tishchenko (1939-2010) is rightfully one of the greatest creators of contemporary music. The most serious test that the music of the twentieth century was destined to go through - the desire...