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Three Pieces for Piano.The 1st-2nd forms of children music school

Три пьесы для фортепиано. 1-2 классы детской музыкальной школы
Three Pieces for Piano.The 1st-2nd forms of children music school
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9.00 € 8.18 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg draws attention of beginning pianists and their teachers to Three Pieces for Piano by Tatiana Zebryak.
The "Contrasts" subtitled as a little sonatina embodies both tonal and structural peculiarities of the chosen form. The torrent of brief motives on the ground of pulsing accords in the main subject bursts out to the ample expanding cantilena of long breath characterizing the second theme. Meanwhile, both themes are not mere antagonists; they are elaborating general intonations in this composition. The variations "Talking" display humorous playful relations between classical and jazz harmonies represented correspondingly by the dominant with sixth concluding to mocking tonic with fourth. Isn't it marvelous to make music with the "Grasshoppers' Waltz" in four hands?
The composer Tatiana Zebryak manages to insert useful technical turns developing piano skills. However, the pianist shall feel nothing but easy and pleasurable contact with his rather complicated instrument.


1. Contrasts. Little Sonatina
2. Talking. Theme with Variations
3. Grasshoppers' Waltz for piano in four hands
The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg draws attention of beginning pianists and their teachers to Three Pieces for Piano by Tatiana Zebryak.
The "Contrasts" subtitled as a little sonatina embodies both tonal and structural peculiarities of the chosen form. The torrent of brief motives on the ground of pulsing accords in the main subject bursts out to the ample expanding cantilena of long breath characterizing the second theme. Meanwhile, both themes are not mere antagonists; they are elaborating general intonations in this composition. The variations "Talking" display humorous playful relations between classical and jazz harmonies represented correspondingly by the dominant with sixth concluding to mocking tonic with fourth. Isn't it marvelous to make music with the "Grasshoppers' Waltz" in four hands?
The composer Tatiana Zebryak manages to insert useful technical turns developing piano skills. However, the pianist shall feel nothing but easy and pleasurable contact with his rather complicated instrument.


1. Contrasts. Little Sonatina
2. Talking. Theme with Variations
3. Grasshoppers' Waltz for piano in four hands
Издательство "Композитор * Санкт-Петербург" предлагает вниманию начинающих пианистов и их педагогов "Три пьесы для фортепиано" Татьяны Александровны Зебряк.
Маленькая сонатина "Контрасты" очень четко воплощает тональные и структурные особенности выбранной формы. Состояние нетерпения, созданное короткими попевками на фоне ритмического аккордового остинато в главной теме, устремлено к упоению кантиленой широкого дыхания в побочной теме. В целом темы не только вступают в полемику между собой, но и развивают общий интонационный строй. Тонким юмором проникнута пьеса "Разговоры", написанная в форме вариаций. Современные джазовые гармонии будто "подсмеиваются" здесь над классическим кадансом доминанты с секстой. "Вальс кузнечиков" воплощает удовольствие от музицирования в четыре руки.
Композитору Татьяне Зебряк удается внедрить в фактуру пьес развивающие технические приемы, но при этом сохранить у пианиста ощущение легкого и приятного исполнения.


КОНТРАСТЫ. Маленькая сонатина
РАЗГОВОРЫ. Тема с вариациями
ВАЛЬС КУЗНЕЧИКОВ для фортепиано в 4 руки
Izdatelstvo "Kompozitor * Sankt-Peterburg" predlagaet vnimaniju nachinajuschikh pianistov i ikh pedagogov "Tri pesy dlja fortepiano" Tatjany Aleksandrovny Zebrjak.
Malenkaja sonatina "Kontrasty" ochen chetko voploschaet tonalnye i strukturnye osobennosti vybrannoj formy. Sostojanie neterpenija, sozdannoe korotkimi popevkami na fone ritmicheskogo akkordovogo ostinato v glavnoj teme, ustremleno k upoeniju kantilenoj shirokogo dykhanija v pobochnoj teme. V tselom temy ne tolko vstupajut v polemiku mezhdu soboj, no i razvivajut obschij intonatsionnyj stroj. Tonkim jumorom proniknuta pesa "Razgovory", napisannaja v forme variatsij. Sovremennye dzhazovye garmonii budto "podsmeivajutsja" zdes nad klassicheskim kadansom dominanty s sekstoj. "Vals kuznechikov" voploschaet udovolstvie ot muzitsirovanija v chetyre ruki.
Kompozitoru Tatjane Zebrjak udaetsja vnedrit v fakturu pes razvivajuschie tekhnicheskie priemy, no pri etom sokhranit u pianista oschuschenie legkogo i prijatnogo ispolnenija.


KONTRASTY. Malenkaja sonatina
RAZGOVORY. Tema s variatsijami
VALS KUZNECHIKOV dlja fortepiano v 4 ruki
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
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