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  4. Concerto in B minor. Op. 35. Version for violin and string orchestra by G. Korchmar. Score and parts

Concerto in B minor. Op. 35. Version for violin and string orchestra by G. Korchmar. Score and parts

Скрипичный концерт си минор. Соч. 35. Версия для скрипки и струнного оркестра Г. Корчмара. Партитура и партии
Concerto in B minor. Op. 35. Version for violin and string orchestra by G. Korchmar. Score and parts
Année de sortie
11.00 € 10.00 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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Oskar Rieding (1840–1918) was a German violinist, teacher of music, and composer of many pieces for violin and piano.
Born in North of Germany, he attended first the recently founded Academy of Musical Arts in Berlin, and later the Leipzig Conservatory. At the end of the 1860s, he moved to Vienna, where in 1871, the conductor, Hans Richter, at that time Musical Director of the National Opera House in Budapest, appointed Rieding as leader of the orchestra. He remained there for thirty-two years, and composed some violin concertos and many drill pieces for violin and piano. After his retirement in 1904, he lived in Cilli (today Slovenia) until his death in 1918.

His Junior Concerto is an ABC for any young violinist, the 'must-have-been-performed' piece. Being usually the first Concerto in the young violinist career, beautiful and instructive, it usually opens the door to the miraculous world of violin.
Oskar Rieding (1840–1918) was a German violinist, teacher of music, and composer of many pieces for violin and piano.
Born in North of Germany, he attended first the recently founded Academy of Musical Arts in Berlin, and later the Leipzig Conservatory. At the end of the 1860s, he moved to Vienna, where in 1871, the conductor, Hans Richter, at that time Musical Director of the National Opera House in Budapest, appointed Rieding as leader of the orchestra. He remained there for thirty-two years, and composed some violin concertos and many drill pieces for violin and piano. After his retirement in 1904, he lived in Cilli (today Slovenia) until his death in 1918.

His Junior Concerto is an ABC for any young violinist, the 'must-have-been-performed' piece. Being usually the first Concerto in the young violinist career, beautiful and instructive, it usually opens the door to the miraculous world of violin.
Скрипичный концерт си минор, соч. 35 Оскара Ридинга — произведение уникальное. Практически каждый начинающий музыкант осваивал его на первом или втором году обучения. Музыкальный материал концерта идеален для выработки технических навыков начального этапа. К тому же исполнение данного произведения готовит юного скрипача к освоению более сложных сочинений крупной формы.
Концерт публикуется в переложении для скрипки и струнного оркестра, выполненном известным петербургским композитором Григорием Корчмаром (р. в 1947)., в котором предусмотрена возможность исполнения оркестром музыкальной школы: все оркестровые партии достаточно просты и допускается вероятность замены альтовой партии группой третьих скрипок.

Издание адресовано учащимся младших классов ДМШ, педагогам и руководителям школьных оркестров.
Skripichnyj kontsert si minor, soch. 35 Oskara Ridinga — proizvedenie unikalnoe. Prakticheski kazhdyj nachinajuschij muzykant osvaival ego na pervom ili vtorom godu obuchenija. Muzykalnyj material kontserta idealen dlja vyrabotki tekhnicheskikh navykov nachalnogo etapa. K tomu zhe ispolnenie dannogo proizvedenija gotovit junogo skripacha k osvoeniju bolee slozhnykh sochinenij krupnoj formy.
Kontsert publikuetsja v perelozhenii dlja skripki i strunnogo orkestra, vypolnennom izvestnym peterburgskim kompozitorom Grigoriem Korchmarom (r. v 1947)., v kotorom predusmotrena vozmozhnost ispolnenija orkestrom muzykalnoj shkoly: vse orkestrovye partii dostatochno prosty i dopuskaetsja verojatnost zameny altovoj partii gruppoj tretikh skripok.

Izdanie adresovano uchaschimsja mladshikh klassov DMSh, pedagogam i rukovoditeljam shkolnykh orkestrov.
Classifiсation de la bibliothèque BIC:
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