It was the middle of the nineties, when my collection "Twelve Jewish Melodies for Male Choir a Cappella" were edited by the Compozitor Publishing House o Saint-Petersburg. Among the arrangements entering this collection there was the composition "Ale Brider" ("All Brothers").
Two years later I made the new version of this creation, which was distinct for its extended structure and unrestrained expansion, being intended for mixed choir a cappella. The December, 2000, was remarkable for me because of my personal concert having taken place at the St. Petersburg State Philharmonic Grand Hall called "Ale Brider".
That time I responded to it in the booklet as follows: "I have a good mind to declare: - People, we are all - brothers! - the orthodox, the Jews, the Catholics, the Muslims, yes, we are all - brothers! This should be repeated, repeated and repeated... for prayers do not grow mould of reiteration".
Five years passed since that time... And again I appeal to the theme of universal fraternity. This burning problem stirs me up, dwelling in me and provoking every molecule of mine.
You are welcome to look through the Fantasy for Male Choir and Piano. I call it "All Brider" ("All Brothers").
Yakov Dubravin
It was the middle of the nineties, when my collection "Twelve Jewish Melodies for Male Choir a Cappella" were edited by the Compozitor Publishing House o Saint-Petersburg. Among the arrangements entering this collection there was the composition "Ale Brider" ("All Brothers").
Two years later I made the new version of this creation, which was distinct for its extended structure and unrestrained expansion, being intended for mixed choir a cappella. The December, 2000, was remarkable for me because of my personal concert having taken place at the St. Petersburg State Philharmonic Grand Hall called "Ale Brider".
That time I responded to it in the booklet as follows: "I have a good mind to declare: - People, we are all - brothers! - the orthodox, the Jews, the Catholics, the Muslims, yes, we are all - brothers! This should be repeated, repeated and repeated... for prayers do not grow mould of reiteration".
Five years passed since that time... And again I appeal to the theme of universal fraternity. This burning problem stirs me up, dwelling in me and provoking every molecule of mine.
You are welcome to look through the Fantasy for Male Choir and Piano. I call it "All Brider" ("All Brothers").
Yakov Dubravin
Яков Дубравин (р. 1939) - народный артист России, профессор Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета культуры и искусств. За 45 лет творческой деятельности композитор огромное внимание уделял написанияю музыки для дететй. Это кантаты, хоровые и песенные циклы, прикладная музыка (теле- и радиопередачи, театральные спектакли, новогодние представления, цирковые программы).
В буклете своего авторского концерта в декабре 2000 года Яков Дубравин написал: "Во мне живет неистребимая потребность сказать людям: все мы братья - православные, иудеи, католики, мусульмане. Все мы братья! И это надо повторять, повторять, повторять... От повторения молитва не стареет".
Прошло пять лет. И он вновь обращается к теме людского братства. Тема эта по-прежнему остро волнует композитора. Это сочинение он снова называет "Все братья" ("Ale Brider").
Jakov Dubravin (r. 1939) - narodnyj artist Rossii, professor Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kultury i iskusstv. Za 45 let tvorcheskoj dejatelnosti kompozitor ogromnoe vnimanie udeljal napisanijaju muzyki dlja detetj. Eto kantaty, khorovye i pesennye tsikly, prikladnaja muzyka (tele- i radioperedachi, teatralnye spektakli, novogodnie predstavlenija, tsirkovye programmy).
V buklete svoego avtorskogo kontserta v dekabre 2000 goda Jakov Dubravin napisal: "Vo mne zhivet neistrebimaja potrebnost skazat ljudjam: vse my bratja - pravoslavnye, iudei, katoliki, musulmane. Vse my bratja! I eto nado povtorjat, povtorjat, povtorjat... Ot povtorenija molitva ne stareet".
Proshlo pjat let. I on vnov obraschaetsja k teme ljudskogo bratstva. Tema eta po-prezhnemu ostro volnuet kompozitora. Eto sochinenie on snova nazyvaet "Vse bratja" ("Ale Brider").