Проект посвящен актуальным проблемам социально-экономического развития Японии в начале второго десятилетия XXI в. В сборнике рассмотрены вопросы нехватки трудовых ресурсов и потребности в более гибкой иммиграционной политике на фоне стареющего общества, изменений ценностных ориентиров японской молодежи, проявлений кибер-культуры, нового подхода к сфере городского планирования. Особое внимание в проекте уделено анализу экономических и социальных последствий "тройного бедствия" 11 марта 2011 г., в том числе вопросам о дальнейшем пути развития национальной электроэнергетики и становлении "низкоуглеродного общества". Сборник адресован широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся положением в современной Японии. The project book is devoted to vital problems of socio-economic development of Japan in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. The project reviews the issues of labour shortages and the need for a more flexible immigration policy against the background of aging society, the changes in values of Japanese youth, manifestations of cyberculture, a new approach to the sphere of urban planning, etc. A special attention in the project is paid to analysis of the economic and social consequences of the triple disaster of March 11, 2011, including the future development of national electric power industry and the emergence of "low-carbon society." The book is addressed to a wide circle of readers interested in the problems of contemporary Japan.
Proekt posvjaschen aktualnym problemam sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitija Japonii v nachale vtorogo desjatiletija XXI v. V sbornike rassmotreny voprosy nekhvatki trudovykh resursov i potrebnosti v bolee gibkoj immigratsionnoj politike na fone starejuschego obschestva, izmenenij tsennostnykh orientirov japonskoj molodezhi, projavlenij kiber-kultury, novogo podkhoda k sfere gorodskogo planirovanija. Osoboe vnimanie v proekte udeleno analizu ekonomicheskikh i sotsialnykh posledstvij "trojnogo bedstvija" 11 marta 2011 g., v tom chisle voprosam o dalnejshem puti razvitija natsionalnoj elektroenergetiki i stanovlenii "nizkouglerodnogo obschestva". Sbornik adresovan shirokomu krugu chitatelej, interesujuschikhsja polozheniem v sovremennoj Japonii. The project book is devoted to vital problems of socio-economic development of Japan in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. The project reviews the issues of labour shortages and the need for a more flexible immigration policy against the background of aging society, the changes in values of Japanese youth, manifestations of cyberculture, a new approach to the sphere of urban planning, etc. A special attention in the project is paid to analysis of the economic and social consequences of the triple disaster of March 11, 2011, including the future development of national electric power industry and the emergence of "low-carbon society." The book is addressed to a wide circle of readers interested in the problems of contemporary Japan.