The book is designed for students mastering Russian at level B1-B2.
The themes chosen by the author have an emotional touch: love, disappointment, hope, meaning of life and death...The book contains the best works of Russian literature: Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades", letters of the grand Russian poet, a short summary from the autobiographical book of M. Shagal "my life", a story of I.E Babel "Guy de Maupassant", the diary of Olga Knipper-Chekhova, stories of A.P.Chekhov and many more. The book is based on the following didactical model: text - information about the text's author - lexical and culturological comments - exercises.
The comments will help the reader to understand the text and the emotional world of its protagonists deeply.
The unique system of exercises includes speech transformation, reproductive and creative exercises and other types of tasks. Such system makes the understanding of complicated material easier. All the exercises will involve students in speaking about their own emotions and feelings. This reading book can be used both for independent work and for working in class.
Книга адресована иностранцам, владеющим русским языком на уровне В2. Отобранные автором тексты затрагивают темы, обращённые к эмоциональной сфере и важные для каждого человека: любовь, надежда, смысл жизни, смерть ... Это лучшие произведения русской литературы: повесть А.С. Пушкина "Пиковая дама", рассказы А.П. Чехова, отрывок из автобиографической повести Марка Шагала "Моя жизнь" и др.
Kniga adresovana inostrantsam, vladejuschim russkim jazykom na urovne V2. Otobrannye avtorom teksty zatragivajut temy, obraschjonnye k emotsionalnoj sfere i vazhnye dlja kazhdogo cheloveka: ljubov, nadezhda, smysl zhizni, smert ... Eto luchshie proizvedenija russkoj literatury: povest A.S. Pushkina "Pikovaja dama", rasskazy A.P. Chekhova, otryvok iz avtobiograficheskoj povesti Marka Shagala "Moja zhizn" i dr.