The study of Russian, a highly inflectional language, requires a sound understanding of the use of grammatical cases, prepositions and prepositional constructions with the oblique cases. The genitive case is by far the most frequently used and is the most complex of the oblique cases; its use encompasses more than one hundred prepositional and prepositionless constructions
Level: B1
RUSSIAN GENETIVE: ITS FORMS AND USAGE. The book gives representation about genitive case of Russian; consists of three parts: in the first and second parts the grammar of a genitive case (formation of forms and grammatical functions) with examples and comments in English is described. The third chapter is devoted to prepositional models.
The study of Russian, a highly inflectional language, requires a sound understanding of the use of grammatical cases, prepositions and prepositional constructions with the oblique cases. The genitive case is by far the most frequently used and is the most complex of the oblique cases; its use encompasses more than one hundred prepositional and prepositionless constructions
The study of Russian, a highly inflectional language, requires a sound understanding of the use of grammatical cases, prepositions and prepositional constructions with the oblique cases. The genitive case is by far the most frequently used and is the most complex of the oblique cases; its use encompasses more than one hundred prepositional and prepositionless constructions
Сравнительный анализ функций родительного падежа в английском и современном русском литературном языках.
Книга состоит из трех частей. В первой и второй главах описана грамматика родительного падежа (образование форм родительного падежа и его грамматические функции), приводятся многочисленные примеры. Третья глава посвящена предложным конструкциям. Все примеры переведены на английский язык
Sravnitelnyj analiz funktsij roditelnogo padezha v anglijskom i sovremennom russkom literaturnom jazykakh.
Kniga sostoit iz trekh chastej. V pervoj i vtoroj glavakh opisana grammatika roditelnogo padezha (obrazovanie form roditelnogo padezha i ego grammaticheskie funktsii), privodjatsja mnogochislennye primery. Tretja glava posvjaschena predlozhnym konstruktsijam. Vse primery perevedeny na anglijskij jazyk